
This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jmsmyth 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi all,
    First, I hope you all had as good a Christmas, New Year and 70th Birthday(if approriate 😉 ) as I have just had.

    Last night I got a good wack of cramp in my left leg at about 3:00 a.m. this morning. I thought we had some posts about this but a search for "Cramp" came up with nothing :-S

    Has anybody any good remedies for night time cramps, better to be be prepared for them I think!

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi David

    I had a really enjoyable Christmas and am looking forward to an active New Year. That started today when along with my husband (also a David) I started ripping wallpaper off in the hall. New year, new decor! 😎

    I had a bit of cramp at night a few months ago and was told by my nurse to drink some tonic water in the morning (for quinine) and as I didn't consume much salt, add a touch more salt to my diet. I did that by eating the odd packet of crisps! (plus a glass of lager to balance things up).
    It did the trick though, so may be worth a go.



    Hi David

    And a Happy New Year to you, and a Happy 70th Birthday.
    Never suffered leg cramps that often so never looked into it at all.

    Hope the post from Michele works for you

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    Hi David

    Happy New Year to you!

    I suffered with really bad leg cramps at night when I started on Rev + Dex. I was prescribed quinine tablets but they caused severe headaches so I stopped taking them. I do drink a lot of tonic water but I don't like too much salt in my food (usually buy plain crisps with the 'little blue bag'!).

    The only real relief from night cramps came from wearing long (up to the knee!) wool bed socks! The condition has improved since the dosage of Dex was reduced but I do occasionally get cramp if I leave the bed socks off – worth a try?

    Best wishes,



    I suffered from cramp when I started on beta blockers . My cardiologist recommended I take Co Enzyme Q10 200mg at night
    When Stephen started getting cramp because of his mm we checked with his oncologist and Stephen was told it was OK to use them.

    They are a natural food supplement not a drug and take a couple of days to kick in. Min recommended the Healthspan site as they are quite reasonable for supplements They certainly helped Stephen and I still use them. Once they kick in beware of becoming complacent. They may take a couple of days to work but forget them for a day or so and you are soon hopping around the bedroom in the middle of the night yelling in pain and wondering if your calf muscle will ever stop trying to move round to your shin bone!

    Gill xxx

    PS Nettie is right bed socks help too
    PPS to David this has come up before and I posted about Co Enzyme before but I think it was on the old site



    Hi David
    Happy birthday, wishing you many more. I've had cramp a lot over the last few years and nothing I've tried seems to work very well. I now resort to standing barefoot on the coldest floor I can find! This doesn't help when I get cramp in my hands or abdominal muscles however! I will be trying all the above as well.
    Love Helen



    Hi David hope you had a terrific birthday and have many many more. I'm with Helen I suffer with leg cramps at night and an old Friend (south African) told me to keep a mirror under my bed and when I got the cramp put my for on the cold mirror. It worked for me and although have not had cramp for some time the mirror is still,under the bed >:-)

    Hope you get it sorted soon

    Live Jean x

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