
This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  wendyduffield 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Sue I read with interest that you take Curcumin, as my doc mentioned this to me today. Could you tell me what make you take and where you get it from?
    I understand there can be a problem with absorbtion does the preparation you take address this ? My doc mentioned something about a Canadian source which dealt with this but he wasn’t sure of exact details. I wonder if Nurse Ellen you could also advise me on this my doc said there were some clinical trials being carried out ?
    Many thanks MaryB



    Hi Mary

    I take curcumin capsules that I bought over the internet from Cytoplan. When I checked with the consultant he was fine with it, said something like “Well if I have patients I cannot cure, why would I object to them taking something alternative?” Not sure how effective they are, but there seems to be some research showing they work. I am only taking 2 capsules a day, probably should be more……




    Carol many thanks for that, that’s helpful
    Mary B



    I have seen curcumin on the site several times but nobody seems to have ever had the dose or timing sequence. I am not a great believer in third party medicines, we had whole thing going about eating Cucumbers in a greenhouse with a glass of red wine on the site at one time.

    I always tend to think of the story that the boss of Walmart, the giant American conglomerate – owner of ASDA, died of Myeloma some years ago. Before he died I believe he set up a Hospital dedicated to Myeloma research in Little Rock Arkansas – yes that little Rock. I understand that that hospital is basically carrying out the same procedures other hospitals in the states are doing. The last time I looked it was doing 2 SCT one after the other but would not release survival rate statistics – this was some time ago mind you. He still died of Myeloma.

    BUT if it makes you feel good – what the hell go for it – LOL.

    KIndest regards – Vasbyte




    Yes there is a lot of nonsense out there regarding alternative shall we say trends however my own experience regarding complimentary medicine has been successful, firstly after the birth of my son in the 80s I came down with quite bad hayfever tried all the usual tablets and so forth whilst they where good the effects didn’t last and left me suffering until I could take another dose safely, in desperation I decided to try the New Era hayfever salts as you could take it every 20 minutes until symptoms subsided and reached a level your body was happy with to keep it at bay and it was often the case where I would realise I hadn’t sneezed for hours and when I did all it took was another top up and all was good, glad to report that all the chemo and sct last year has put paid to the hayfever at last and I no longer have it, secondly I came down with Acne Rosacea some years ago looked very red and sore so took myself to the Gp and persevered with all the creams and antibiotics to no real end as it was always there to some degree and sometimes looked quite angry, this went on for some years backwards and forwards to the Gp only to be told it’s difficult to cure, once again I took New Era a dose which I believe holds the memory of belladonna and apart from making my face feel a bit waxey during the treatment I felt fine best of all Rosacea disappeared not to be seen again and that was quite a few years ago but has left me with an open mind to alternative treatments to possibly run along side of conventional medicine so long as it doesn’t interfere so as for cuucumin I may give it ago 🙂



    That is great Pauline, for some it works for others it doesn’t. I think a lot of it comes down to how strong you feel about these things.

    I have a friend who believes in the power of prayer and she regularly prays for me each week. Every time I see her I thank her for her efforts. My original “sale by date” was July 2011 and I am still standing! Who I am to say it is not her prayers that are keeping me going?

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    There is evidence that curcumin taken in high enough doses can have an effect on myeloma cells and can also act synergistically with conventional treatment. Unfortunately it hasn’t helped keep my light chains down but has loads of other health benefits. For further information check out Margaret’s Health Blog, which has comprehensive information on curcumin and other alternatives too

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