
This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  eve 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    Has anyone suffered from cyctitis like symptoms when on this drug?
    As long as I drink plenty, the burning goes away.

    The first time I had it, my GP gave me anti biotics which seemed to work.
    But the next time, they had no effect.

    Looks like it is another side effect.




    Drink your 3 litres a day Tina… and while on any sort of treatment add another litre or so. Also…spread your imbibing throughout the day… is pointless drinking like a fish up to tea-time and a then only a cup of tea or so up to bed-time.:-|

    I often get high temperatures of 37.7/8, sometimes even 38 or just above… I am under strict instruction to ring in if I get near to or above 38… but… if my breathing is fine, with no sign of such modern diseases like 'gunge-on the-lung', or 'rattling exhalations'… then before ringing in I drink like a fish.. three or four litres over an hour. I find that that normally wins me another cap for Wales as I pee with a vengeance and my temperature virtually drops as I fill the bowl.:-)

    I find that infection No. 123PPP is caused by forgetfulness to imbibe fluids over a day or so and a swift localised flooding sorts it out.8-)

    [b]If, after the flooding, your temperature stays up then ring in straight away.[/b]

    Of course, your discomfort might not be accompanied by a temperature… just discomfort… then follow the localised flooding manoeuvre… I am sure it will bring relief in more ways than one.;-)




    I love your term localised flooding. But it works well, thanks.
    The only problem is I have to go upstairs to the loo! I am so weak, it feels like climbing Everest!!

    On a better note, after 2 cycles of CDT my pp level has dropped from 33 to 3. So hopefully 4 cycles will be enough.

    Take care



    3 pp, that is good news Tina keep it up.

    Yes, the loo is a problem for all of us I suspect. When I go anywhere my first concern is public toilets or the nearest Cafe or Pub!

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Folks am same Loo upstairs and me down not a good combination when feeling ill 🙂 but I did it and got throgh it 😀 still thinking where can I put one downstairs??

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    You are my heroes Tom & Tina.;-)

    I have an en-suite shower/toilet to myself. It is approximately 5 feet from my bed to the door and another four feet to the toilet… passing the sink en-route. Even so, there have been times when I have barely made it… and a few times when I failed… so you having to put on your crampons and scale the stairs makes me want to stand up and applaud your efforts.8-)

    Okay, I do have extensive bone damage… but I don't use a stick or any other support… I am just slow… and I seize up now and then. Well done you two for getting through your CDT with climbing and distance involved.:-D




    Honest Dai I have never felt nor looked like a hero Lol.
    Its a job that has to be done and we have all gone through it (Pardon the pun)

    I tend to forget the times i didn't make it and had to shout Elaine (with a pitifull tone lol)

    So now all well its an "Onwards and Upwards" 😎



    Hi to you all
    Tina I can only tell it from Slims side,had a few problems with his bladder side,it was an infection,antbiotics given.another side effect way down the list.
    I must admit I gave in with Slim at one point tried commode plus bottle,to him it was a no no,I kept telling him be ok once he was feeling better,he was not having any of that.:-P So I changed all my white carpets to wooden floors!!! did the trick.
    At home Slim finds it difficult to move fast,but I can always tell when he needs the loo,moves faster!!,we live in a flat,he would never manage time wise if we had stairs. Love Eve

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