Dad has just been diagnosed…please help me to understand

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    This is my first post here
    My dad has just been diagnosed with myeloma after being in hospital for a few weeks due to ongoing issues with his spine. He had surgery to repair the vertebrae due to collapse, which was (supposedly) causing him reduced mobility. He did not improve after the op, so they did more scans etc to see if they could get to the bottom of it. This is how they’ve discovered myeloma. As my dad is still in hospital and we cannot visit due to covid, communication is quite difficult. I can’t seem to understand what treatment he will get, if any. Id also like to know what the long term prognosis is. Is he likely to live a relatively normal life for years to come, or is his life going to be severely reduced?
    His wife is going to have to be his full time carer as he can’t do anything for himself. Any tips on helping her manage or any external help they can get to lighten the load a little? I dont live nearby so I can’t be there to help either.
    Thanks for reading




    Sorry to hear your news. Hope this might help a little I was diagnosed in 2006 aged 49. My experience is that it is a very individual disease and that a treatment that doesn’t work for one might work for another and visa versa. They say at the moment myeloma is not curable but treatable. Since my diagnosis many different treatments have become available with more in the pipeline. Although I have had two relapses since diagnosis each time my treatments gave me full remission. As of today I am still in remission and only on a 3 monthly infusion which helps the bones. I am sure if you get in touch with Myeloma UK they would be able to point you in the right direction to help his wife manage.
    If there is anything you wish to ask me please do and if I can I will answer although I have to say I don’t know very much about the technicalities of the disease.
    Best wishes



    Hi Koalacub
    It’s always very shocking to the patient and family when given the diagnosis of myeloma & frightening even when there isn’t a pandemic. The best place for information about myeloma is Myeloma UK, either the information sheets or direct contact with the nurse or other staff, who are lovely.
    There are at least a dozen subtypes of myeloma, and it’s thought myeloma is the cancer with the highest number of prognostic parameters.This means that myeloma tends to be a pretty individual disease, with different patients experiencing different symptoms, or degrees of symptoms at diagnosis and during the course of the disease.
    However having said that, for most patients it is very treatable, and in USA now 14% of patients live for over 20 years.
    When I was diagnosed, almost 3 years ago, I assumed that I was on a slippery slope, that I’d never feel significantly better. However that has not been true for me, and I am now perfectly well for the time being. There are a heartening number of treatments now for myeloma and your father is likely to start on a combination of treatments shortly, depending on any other medical problems he may have. It usually takes around 5 or 6 months (again this is variable) to get myeloma initially under control. About 50% of us then have a stem cell transplant to stabilise the myeloma, often giving a few years (sometimes more) without active disease. The problem is as yet that myeloma does always return, genetically mutated so that the drugs previously used are ineffective. There are a number of new drug types in trials now which may offer those of us in the early stages of myeloma, significantly longer lives.
    Myeloma drugs are often called “chemotherapy” by us patients, but they are really much more targeted drugs. They do have side effects, usually, but not things like hair loss, and some of us get through with minimal problems except that the treatment process takes over life for a time.
    Your father should have access to a named myeloma nurse who will be able to point your parents in the right direction, depending on you
    How old is your father? The average age at diagnosis is around 70, but it’s a disease that can hit at any age, (although it’s exceedingly rare in under 30s.)
    One of my friends was diagnosed in similar circumstances to your father and was wheelchair bound for around 6 months. Now 17 years later she leads a physically active lifestyle, long walks daily and looking after an allotment single handedly, no obvious evidence of the damage myeloma did to her spine.
    It must be so difficult for you separated from your parents because of the pandemic, but I hope that your dad responds well to treatment (that may include more non drug treatment to his spine) Best wishes.

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