Hi, I didn’t know anything about this either so looked it up and found this:
A rare form of histiocytosis.
Associated with an abnormal antibody in the blood called a paraprotein.
Lipid levels are normal.
About 50% will have a malignancy of the blood; usually multiple myeloma or leukaemia.
Presents with large flat reddish-yellow plaques over the face, neck, chest, buttocks and in skin folds (such as the armpits and groin).
So you are right, it is definitely linked. The site suggests they should resolve with treatment of the underlying causative condition. If not then surgery or locally destructive modalities??
I don’t know how you ensure you get the best care. All the advice seems to be to get a second opinion if you are concerned. The best monitor might be how your Dad feels after consultations and he can always speak to his GP.
Our NHS is still regarded as the best in the world. An article in the Guardian recently reported
“The NHS has been declared the best healthcare system by an international panel of experts who rated its care superior to countries which spend far more on health.”
Which I hope gives you confidence and helps to allay some of the fears all the negative political spin creates.
One of the words of advice I have read in this forum is to try not to spoil what you have today by worrying about tomorrow, and for some people the Myeloma remains at MGUS or Asymptomatic for years.
I hope your Dad keeps well
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by