Dai's Garden Party

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    Suggested by my brother and sister-in-law while visiting a few weeks back I am having a garden party in my… well, garden I suppose. 😀

    According to the local weather report for tomorrow we are cleared for action and my youngest daughter and her partner are coming early tomorrow (11am) to run the lawn mower around and set up the chairs etc. My eldest daughter will follow on shortly after with paddling pools for the 5 children in attendance and her BBQ… the main group will arrive about 1pm.:-)

    There will be approx: 26 adults and 5 children… everyone will bring a food gift for lunch which we will share. This was supposed to be a random event excepting my sister-in-law issuing 'suggestions' to make sure there is a balanced menu. Janet has made a couple of roulades, a couple of cheesecakes and a couple of 'Impossible Pies'… so all in all we should cover all the bases.;-) 🙂

    The 26 adults include my brothers and sisters and their partners, (12) – my 3 children and partners (6), 2 cousins, my 16 year old Grandson (6'2" so I can't call him a child… also a 14 year old nephew as well as my son's boys (3 years & 5 months) and 2 Great Nieces (5 & 7) and last but not least one of my nephews, his wife and new baby… oh, and my ex-wife, mother of my children and welcomed guest. 😎

    It's nominally a Summer gathering of the clan… only this is my clan… and the main reason, even if it has not been named as such, is a farewell to Dai. I am fine with that… it is not that I might not see most of them again but with MM's liking for infections, hospital and good-bye… it's just a good idea while I am still on my feet, looking good, complete bag of marbles (excepting MST Mist) and feeling up to it.8-)

    So tomorrow morning people I love dearly will start their travels to congregate in rural Nottinghamshire from London, Manchester, Swindon, Kent, Hereford, Chester and other local parts.

    I am looking forward to it immensely.8-) 😀




    Hi Dai

    You are a lovely man, just enjoy,fill your heart with pride.Love Eve and the better half Slim.8-) 🙂 😀



    Hi Dai

    Sounds wonderful. It will be a day to remember. Hope the sun shines for you

    Love to you and Jantet xx



    You are a lovely Man and what you have planned (albeit unnamed) is a great idea.

    I thought of having a "Living Wake" (and still might) you all have a great day and Nite.

    I my Friend will raise a Pint or Vodka to you some time this afternoon in celebration to you and Janet, and next year I just might get through to Nottingham and join in with your Next Garden Party, so don't forget my invite next year.

    Love to you and Janet.
    a Photo of Myself with Phil Kelly another MM Man, whom we met last nite for a meal and a few drinks
    Onwards and Upwards xxx



    What a great idea, I hope the sun shines and that you have a good laugh with friends and family. Enjoy!



    i hope you had a great day

    best wishes
    stephen h



    What a great guy you are, I hope that you had a great day.
    Tony F



    Hey Dai

    I hope the weather has been kind to you and your clan. In my part of Nottinghamshire its been rainy. I'm sure the weather cannot spoil your day. What a super idea.

    Love Ali x



    I know you will have a fantastic time Dai and you really deserve it. You have such a big heart and have been an inspiration to many. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for good weather

    My best wishes

    Tina X



    Just a quick note to say I hope you had a great day, good-on-yer! MM might be trying to take things away but you can still give it a surprise.



    Hi Dai

    Well I have raised that glass of vodka for you tonite I hope the weather stayed good for it.

    Off to bed now.

    Tom onwards and upwards xx



    Hi Dai

    What a wonderful way to spend the day with all of your close family. I hope everything went well and you felt OK. You will both certainly have some lovely memories of today's great event.

    Regards Jan W



    Thank you, thank you, thank you all… diolch yn fawr i chi.

    Everybody turned up, plus a few unexpected nieces and nephews but very welcome all the same. The weather was overcast but behaved except for a few gusts of wind that threatened to take the gazebo for a sail but they blew into nothing and everybody carried on regardless.:-) 😉

    The Swindon branch of the family turned up early (10.30… the official start was 1pm) but they took over the kitchen and tea, coffee and frying pans were utilised. My youngest daughter Amy and her partner Ludo followed them in and within minutes I could hear the lawn mower in action, By 12pm there were 22 of the clan onsite, each spending time catching up with family members that they hadn't seen in yonks. By 1pm there were 32 of us on site and talk and laughter filled the garden.8-) 🙂 😀

    There was food and drink aplenty as the family each produced their shared lunch offering and we started eating at 2pm. There were many (macho males) contending for the post of Chief BBQuer but it was a poor contest once my youngest brother threw his hat into the ring. Stephen soon took control and to be fair he threw everything in to quickly produce Hot Dogs and Beefburgers of an excellent standard. He fed the children first (Hot Dogs, then the women and finally the men. The last to eat were his pretenders to the throne.) 🙂 The BBQ'd food looked really delicious but somehow they seemed too bypass me… so I settled for my sisters Chilli and several sorts of salads, including a luscious rice salad and some spicy couscous.:-D

    Modern technology to the fore, there was a constant whirl of cameras, smart-phones and iPads, small gatherings of brothers, sisters, grandchildren, cousins, aunts, uncles and miscellaneous beings. The photography culminated in a full gathering of the complete family and many shots of cameras set to automatic.

    I amazed myself by moving from group to group before being collared by individuals who wanted a quiet word… that was touching, especially one of my nephews who simply wanted to say thank you for inspiring him all his life. He had driven 3.5 hours from South London, stayed 3 hours and then drove back with his lovely wife and their baby. He thanked me for showing that (unlike most of the males in our extended family) you don't have to be full of rough and tumble and that writing poetry and songs and performing in public are perfectly valid activities. Adam works on the London Eye in between acting jobs. His wife Jenny is the head of front of house in a West End theatre and although most of Adams 'acting' jobs are in TV adverts and promotional material for companies, he still enjoys it immensely. Before he left he gave me a memory stick with his newly completed novel. He asked me if I would read it (the only person apart from his wife to do so… much to the chagrin of his Mum, my middle sister). I am looking forward to reading and offering him feedback, especially on the editing process. Like me he is working on his second novel and in return he gets a CD of my first novel to read. We ate lunch together and despite all the love and attention I received today my time with Adam was the highlight.8-)

    I am now in bed and aching… I will be stiff and sore tomorrow no doubt (with Janet just the same bless her) while sitting in line for my Velcade… but it will be worth it, many times over.:-)

    A beautiful, beautiful, love-filled day… perfect in every way.8-)





    So nice you could spend a day with all of your family and it didn't rain. A lot of mouths to feed.

    Hope you haven't got too much of a hangover.

    Love Maureen

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