Date for SCT

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Kazzam2 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Ian is going for his SCT on 31 March to the Beatson in Glasgow. A bit scary but hopefully it will be worth it.




    Maureen, the very best of luck to Ian, oh and to you, you are the carer, and at times I think that the carer needs more support than the patient.
    You know from past postings that a SCT is not a walk in the park, but it can and is doable, I am sure that Ian will cope with all that is thrown at him.
    Good luck Ian
    Tony F



    Hi Maureen,

    I take it all went well with Ian’s harvest. I hope the transplant and high dose process goes as smoothly as possible for Ian. The goal at the end (drug free remission) is that light at the end of the tunnel.

    my very best wishes for the near future,




    Hoping all goes well. If Ian can avoid infections it is not so dreadful. Yes a few days of nausea etc etc and a slow road to recover your strength afterwards, but so worth it to be drug free. I am coming up to 14 months in stringent complete remission and life is good…long may it last! Gym and swim most days and back to Europe for 3 months in May.




    Hi Maureen
    I don’t post on here very often,but always read posts and am so pleased to hear that Ian has at last got his date for SCT. I hope all goes well for him and he gets that longed for drug free remission. I had my stc just over 3 years ago and am still in drug free remisssion, after inital 6 months cdt. I had kidney failure at diagnosis and had to have spine stabalisation and still have 8 spine fractures but after a lot of indecision on my part as to whether I should have the sct I am so pleased I did as it has given me three years of very comfortable living. I do hope the same is true for Ian and the process is not too hard for him. One day at a time is the only way through it and hopefully he will soon be able to enjoy his remission. Good Luck with it all.



    Thanks to you all for your good wishes. I will keep you updated on Ian’s progress.


    Ian harvests tomorrow, hopefully he will have enough stem cells on day one.

    Maureen x



    Hi Maureen,

    Good luck to Ian.

    best wishes

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