Dia – you OK

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 13 years ago.

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    I have not seen a post from you for awile Buddy – you OK?

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Dai

    I was thinking this too. Hope all is well.

    Best wishes.




    Hi David & Mavis,

    Thanks for the concern and the nudge.:-D I last posted on Monday but I suppose I have been a bit quiet for me lately.:-)

    I took in my 24 hour urine collection last Thursday and had my bloods taken in reediness for my selection for the Carfilzomib trial… or not. I then stood back and waited for news of the results. I was expecting a phone call from my consultant on Monday or Tuesday to serif I had to prepare for the next step or start on Rev & Dex. I thought that if I was on the trial I would have had a call – either way… because I have the Rev & Dex and antibiotics etcetera from my January 9th appointment when my relapse was confirmed.

    I received a letter yesterday calling me in for an appointment next Monday… whether for the trial (only if Myeloma showed up in my urine) or the straight Rev & Dex etc. I don't know. I could call but there is a part of me that feels I shouldn't have to. We will wait and see.

    I have a pain/ache in my left shoulder which is new… it could be the disease or it could be posture/sleeping position etc.,.. once again we will wait and see.

    I really do want to go on the trial but I feel that a month after confirm of relapse that I should be starting treatment of some sort. Apart from the shoulder ache I fee l quite good… recovered from a cold with no ill effects (no pun intended) and my appetite is good… but I must admit to feeling a bit down and stressed because I just want to get on with it.

    … and its snowing again.:-)



    Hi Dai, and I spotted your post.

    If its any help Dai I also have a bit of pain in my right shoulder and am putting that down to stretching under the small table to pull a plug out (its easy done) keep strong Dai I beleive a lot of healing is done in the head.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hi Dai I know waiting for action is unbearable but try not to get to down about it .If your results showed you needed drastic action in a hurry I am sure your docs woud have got you on some treatment asap I hope you get some answers on Monday love to you and Janet Bridget x



    As usual Bridget has taken the words right out of my mouth, I am sure she is right.

    I get all sorts of aches and pains left side of chest then it is the right then it moves to my neck ? opps sorry that is the wife ? but you know what I mean. I put them all down to the way I sleep or doing too much and like Tom says a simple stretch out to reach something can bring it on. And, of course, Myeloma is always in the back of your mind. My lovely lady is always very grounded and the first thing she says when I say I got a pain is ?What have you been doing today?.

    Keep going.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte


    P.S Sorry, I noticed your Monday post after posting.8-)



    Hi Dia
    glad you are feeling not too bad after your cold I will be thinking of you on monday for a really good result so you can start the new treatment it must be a worring time for you
    love Jo x

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