Hi group , ive had first 4 months of dvt with dara,i finished that with no sickness at all,my light chains at the start was 14730 to 0.1 good cells, at the highest they were 21730 to 0.1 ,i finished the treatment at the end of october, i was given another pelvic biopsy ,my light chains had dropped down to 405,to 0.1 ,wich i was so glad about , i was refered to manni royal 7 weeks later , so ive gone 7 weeks now with no treatment, been to see dr crea at manchester royal my light chains are back up to over 1200 ,im feeling very tired again,and dr crea wants me to have another block of chemo to get my light chains down before stem cell collection,but that will only leave 2 other types of chemo available to me once stem cell fails , so my consultant at bolton has been intouch with the christie hospital to see what they say , so ive been left up in the air not knowing whats happening next , in my eye opinion i dont see the point of having stem cell transplant while my cancer count has shot up again , but i dont know what the cut off point on cell count before the procedure would be waisted , thanks ,