disaster holiday

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Gaye 14 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi all,

    Not been on forum for a while. Weather so bad we went on a last minute cruise out of Southampton. We are in la corona but Frank has been in bed from about the 3rd day. Started off with tooth ache (think absess again) then he got a stinker of a cold. We phoned the myeloma nurse whot told him to get an anit biotic. She gave him the name of it and he started it but now it has given him a runny tummy!!!. I wanted to fly home from Gran Canaria but Frank wanted to see if things got better. THEY DIDN'T. He is feeling louse. One good thing is we dock in Southampton on Friday. Beam me up Scottie!!. Sorry for the moan but will feel better when I get Frank home.
    Love to all Jean xx



    Dear Jean – so you think you can escape the cold and leave us floundering back here in good old and cold Blighty? Oh dear Jean – it's absolutely Sods Law isn't it and you both must be so fed up. During my recent stay in hospital due to an infection, I was given antibiotics and they certinly gave me a 'run' for my money. It was horrible and I can understand why Frank is feeling so grotty. Along with a cold and possible tooth abcess it's just too much. Do you have far to go when you dock in Southampton? I hope he will soon be feeling much better.

    Thinking of you.
    Love, Gaye xx

    PS I always think Christmas is at the wrong time of the year because every body becomes unwell with winter. Let's change it to summer.



    Hi Jean what rotten luck it doesnt seem fair ! Ido hope you get home safe and sound and Frank feels better very soon Perhaps another holiday soon love Bridget x



    Hi Gaye and Bridget

    Things are no better. Frank now has the most horrible cough. We get into Southampton tomorrow (can't wait) dropped of at airport at about 10am but flight to Belfast is not to 4,00pm. Just want to get home. I think this has put me off holidaying for good.

    Hope have better news when I get him home.
    Love Jean xx



    Dear Jean – just create the image of being back in your own lovely warm home, with the usual nice cup of tea (why do we always say 'let's have a nice cup of tea?)and start the healing process.

    When I asked the question of a possible long journey afterwards I had a feeling that, with your surname, it could well be Northern Ireland and it seems I was right. It's a long time to wait for a plane particularly when someone is ill. You will think about holidays again but possibly not yet and certainly not a repeat of this one!

    Safe journey home.
    Love, Gaye xx



    Hi Jean and Frank.
    What a b***t* go on holiday and find yourself poorly Frank. Trouble is if we wrap ourselves up in cotton wool we would not leave the house. Im sorry it turned into such a disaster, for both of you. Jean worrying and Frank suffering.
    Keep warm, try not to get a chill, and hope your journey home is not too arduous.
    As a lifelong and yearly sufferer of bronchitis and the dreaded cough that accompanies it my method of dealing with said cough is. Paracetamol, and honey by the spoonful. When I am in the throes of an uncontrollable cough a cold compress on the carotid artery does the job, but try and prevent getting overheated. Not difficult in this weather. Home sweet home and stay wrapped up for the rest of the winter.Get well soon



    Oh Jean,

    I'm so sorry that you have had such a disasterous holiday….you must be coming back more tired and worried than when you left. But people are right, you can't not do these things just in case. Hopefully as time goes on, you can put it down to a bl_*dy bad experience and when you have a lovely time next time, you'll forget about it.

    I hope so much that the last bit of your journey goes quickly and you can get Frank home to bed/ the GP and get him well again.

    Take care and catch up soon
    Debs x



    Hi all

    Thanks so much for all your kind words. Talk about sods law. Frank stopped anti biotic and runny tummy disappeared. He woke up this morning and said the tooth aches was feeling easier and he thinks the cold is breaking. He still has an awful cough. Wanted to get the doctor out but he said no – you don't get the doctor out for a cold. I think he will go to the dental hospital. He sees the consultant on Thursday and he will hold out until then. He is a law unto himslf, so I have to go along with him. We are home at last but it is so cold (our son says that our weather today is like summers day compared to last week). Just took a lemsip with honey and is about to have a hot toddy!

    Thanks again for your good thoughts/.

    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jean so glad you are both home safely and Frank is feeling better -sounds just like a typical man !!Sleep wel love Bridget x



    Welcome home hope things are improving for you both Gill xx



    Dear Jeam

    Welcome home Jean and I am glad that Frank is feeling much better. Trouble is with myeloma you can never take anything for granted except infections and they should always be treated with care. I laughed when you said that Frank was a law unto himself and a part of me really admires him for that. It's a bit like 'don't let the b*****d grind you down'. The other part feels for you as it must be so frustrating at times. Anyway, you are home, and you son is right when he said this is more like summer than last week! We must be thankful for small mercies!
    Love, Gaye xx

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