Donor Lymphocyte Infusion

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ellen 13 years, 10 months ago.

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    I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of having a donor lymphocyte infusion? I found out last week that my allo transplant has failed and I am soon going to be starting on CDT (again) followed by lymphocytes (white bood cells) from my donor to try and give my immune system a boost to increase the Graft vs Myeloma affect.

    I'm not sure how common these are and if anyone has had any success with this? It would be great to hear if anyone knows much about them or have experience of them.

    Thanks in advance,




    Hello Jayne

    I just wanted to let you know of a Myeloma UK programme called PEER (Patient Experience Exchange Resource). It's where we put patients and family members in touch with other patients and carers by phone to talk things through and share experiences. I know that one of our PEER members has had an Allogeneic transplant with DLI.

    If you think this would be helpful for you, please contact me by email to or on the Myeloma Infoline 0800 980 3332 and I can arrange this for you.

    Kind regards


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