Dr Terry Wahis – Highly Recommended

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    Posted by a songwriting friend, an ex-health professional Bailey Bridges. I highly recommend this to you all. 16 minutes to good healthy eating.




    Thanks for posting that link, Dai.

    It was recommended last year as "required viewing" on one of the low carb support boards I visit, but I had lost the link to it.

    I don't quite manage the whole 3 dinner plates of veg she recommends but do eat probably half that amount most days, and coupled with my last 9 years following the Atkins way of eating am sure the lack of sugar and starches helps keep me healthy and fighting those pesky myeloma cells.




    Thanks Dai it never hurts to be reminded how important it is to eat healthily love Bridget x



    Hi Elizabeth and Bridget,

    An American friend posted this and I watched with interest… mainly because she was so enthusiastic about Dr Wahis and the remarkable recovery she has made with this eating regime. I told Janet about it and she watched it with me… and then made me watch it for a third time.

    We have done what we often do with such wonderful universal ideas… we have adopted it and adapted it to suit us and our way of life. What it does mean is that our eating habits have changed dramatically… with the end result being far more green vegetables, far more colours and lots more berries and fruit. More fish, grass fed meat and the obligatory seaweed, all very tasty, nutritious and best of all cancer fighters. The bulk aspect would have put us off but we never have big portions anyway these days, due to Janet's diet controlled, (healthy and little and often) diabetes plan… so smoothies instead of platefuls is an easy option. 🙂

    We reckon we will be following the Doctor's plan to the extent of approximately 60/70%… with the rest as per our tastes and desires… but that will still increase the goodness, nutrients and essentials by about 200% of our usual weekly intake.

    It is so easy to plan and prepare, very easy to eat and if the benefits to us are only a small proportion of those realised by Dr Wahis then we will be very happy.8-)

    What have we got to lose?:-D




    Thankas Dia I found that very interesting. I already eat fresh vegetables and fruit every day with meat or fish on the menu, I do the cooking 😉 . I rarely eat processed food.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


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