
This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    My 78 year old dad has this week been diagnosed with Myeloma having been monitored for 3 years (although really wasn't sure why he was being monitored). We asked lots of questions but you never think of them all at the time.

    Myeloma UK has been extremely informative and filled in most of the gaps for now but will the initial treatment (probably CTD) affect my dad's ability to drive? Does the Myeloma need to be reported to the DVLA? He values his independence so I hope he can continue to drive.

    His initial response was that he needed to organise a holiday before the treatment starts…..will the treatment or its side effects mean that a holiday whilst undergoing treatment is not advisable? Should a quick holiday be squeezed in whilst he feels ok?

    Is there anything else that we should be thinking about or doing before treatment starts?

    Thank you




    Hi Debbie

    sorry to hear about your Dad but you will find a warm welcome here on the forum. Has your Dad actually started CTD yet. I was initially on CTD and was never told to stop driving or report to the DVLA but I found it difficult to drive because I was quite shakey and weak on the treatment and did not want to pass out whilst driving! Another side effect of the treatment is fatigue. I didnt stop driving altogether but it will depend on how your Dad feels.

    I would suggest trying to fit in a holiday before treatment if possible as when on treatment holidays really need to be cleared with the consultant and are probably a bit of a no no for the first couple of cycles other than a short UK break.

    I cant really think of anything much else you should be doing before treatment starts, maybe making sure your Dad as a supply of plenty of meals in the freezer!




    Hi Debbie

    My husband was like Wendy. He's coming to the end of 6th cycle of CDT and for abouT 4 days after coming of Dex he was very shakey and could not drive. As to going on holiday while on treatment I would say it would have to be cleared by consultant but with Franks experience – out of the 6 months we had to go to the hospital on 5 separate occasions because he was so unwell. Thankfully they were all reactions to the medication. Everyone is different and i hope your dad has an easy time

    Best wishes to,your dad
    Love Jean
    Ps welcome to the forum



    Hi Debbie,
    I would like to chip in here as I had a similar situation with my Mum who was diagnosed with myeloma when she was 78 and started treatment when she was nearly 79. She was a good, safe driver but decided she should give up once she started treatment and told me she now needed to be 'cared for'! In my view it was a bad decision for her to give up driving at that stage both for her and (selfishly I guess) for me as she immediately lost her independence and had to be much more reliant on others. I think she believed the end was nigh and so gave her car away to my brother thereby giving up any potential for changing her mind. In fact she is now 83 and has done very well on the treatment and is actually physically very well at the moment.
    Now she is pretty much housebound unless someone collects her (she won't use taxis or public transport and the half mile walk to town is too far for her) so she relies on me for transport, shopping, etc which is a challenge to manage alongside my full time work and my own son with special needs!
    So if your Dad wants to continue to drive, and feels up to it then I would urge you to encourage him. Keeping independent is really important psychologically as well.
    All the best,




    Hi Debbie as you are being supportive of your dad i am so pleased as Myeloma and any cancer patient will confirm you dont want to be there but dont think for one moment to sit down and worry.
    I see your dad was being monitered but by who and what for,as delay in any treatment for illness can cause problems,and when you are diagnosed with an illness your brains does not function in normality so you ask the questions and get the answers but nothing sticks so i am agreement with you about the questions to ask. You will need with your dad to discuss is health and capability with driving and remember not being capable to drive will have some effect on his car insurance should he become involved in an accident,and should inform DVLA on medical advice if he is finding driving is becoming difficult(his GP).
    If he has enough time before treatment go for an holiday but far away to rid his mind of what is ahead due to while having treatmentis so taxing on the body and travelling would be the last thing to do unless or other wise advise by his doctor.
    Take care and all the best to you both.



    Dear Wendy, Jean, Jill and Wink

    Thank you for your thoughts, they have all been really helpful and I will share your experiences and advice with my dad.

    My dad, although 78, enjoys playing tennis but judging by some comments, he may not be able to do so for much longer which will be a great shame.

    Thank you again for the prompt advice (and warm welcome).





    On the exercise issue – your Dad may not feel like playing tennis sometimes while he is having treatment but I really believe that regular exercise is vital so I hope he will be able to carry on when he feels up to it. I tried to encourage my Mum to walk (OK, I am a bit of a bully!) and think this would have helped but she felt she couldn't, lost confidence and now just prefers to sit and watch TV. A real shame as she has had a very good response to treatment but through the lack of exercise has lost a lot of her muscle tone. It really is true what they say about use it or lose it when you get older!
    All the best,




    Hi Debbie

    No one says you cannot drive,to me it just seems reasonably not to drive whilst taking heavy drugs,your mums treatment might only go 4 to 6 cycles,so no reason why she cannot drive the rest of the time.
    As for insurance you are supposed to inform them of any changers:-/ but if you cancel your insurance and after a year take it up again you will find that because of no insurance for a year,it will be very expensive.

    My advice is keep insurance,just do not drive when under the drugs.Eve



    Hi Debbie

    Welcome to you and your Dad. Sorry you have had to join us and that your Dad has now to start treatment. I would deffinitely advise a holiday before treatment starts because I found my appitite was seriously affected, also, as others as said, even if he does well, there will be "off" days.

    As to driving, I started driving again, having stopped because of back trouble, during CTD, and I had no problems. As my mobility is generally bad, driving helps keep my sense of freedom!

    All best wishes to your Dad.




    Sorry Debbie
    Must have had one of my moments Dad became Mum:-/ :-S 😛 Eve



    Hi Debbie,

    Colin drove most of the time through his treatment, but like the others it varied depending on whether he felt okish or not. In terms of holidays we did not bother with any when he was diagnosed, mainly because we were too scared because he was in and out of hospital like a yo yo!. We did go to friends in cornwall for 2 days when treatment ended and we felt quite chuffed with that!

    Best of luck to you, your dad and getting this condition under control x

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Debbie
    A warm welcome to you and your dad and sorry am late with the reply, and am sure it has been answered.
    But Get that holiday in and dont wait till after or during treatment as I didn't know how I was going to feel the day after let alone four months away :-/ but the Uk is fine as you wont need Insurance as such?

    As for Driving I wasn't told i could not and drove most of the time. am sure your dad (sorry dont know his name?) is sensable enough to take care and not drive if he feels unwell.

    Take care and stay well both you and dad.

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Thanks Tom, Vicki, Eve and Mavis

    This forum is really helpful and hopefully Dad (Les) will use it too.

    You've all given such useful advice and hopefully my parents were at the travel agents yesterday booking something great- wish I could join them 😛

    Fingers crossed Dad is lucky with his treatment

    Thanks again everyone

    With best wishes, Debbie



    Hi Debbie and Les

    And I dont know your Mum and dad but I wish I was going with them also Lol.
    A m sure your Dad (Les) will be lucky with his treatment and I for one hope the road to remission is a smooth one.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx

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