DRT treatment for elderly mother?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 1 year, 5 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,
    My first post here, so not sure if I’m following the correct protocol.
    My 79 year old mother was diagnosed with Myeloma just before Christmas 2022. The hospital put her on trial chemotherapy which knocked her for six. Approximately 2 weeks after starting she collapsed at home, and has been mostly in hospital since.
    She was told in March that due to an infection on her metal hip replacement, which was not reacting to treatment, that chemotherapy was no longer an option and it was essentially now a case of letting nature take it’s course.
    Back in July I heard about a new treatment for Myeloma, and mentioned it to my mother’s haematologist, who dismissed it immediately saying it was only suitable for people who were strong/independent. However, I read recently that DRT is suitable for those unable to have chemotherapy, and are elderly/frail.
    Can anyone advise if it is worth following this up further, or as a treatment it wouldn’t be suitable?
    Many thanks.



    I’m sorry that your mother is having such a terrible time with myeloma bagpuss.
    Is she being treated at one of the regional (bigger) hospitals? If not it may be worth asking for a second opinion to be sought.
    DRT is a combination treatment given to older, frailer myeloma patients (Daratumumab, lenalidomide & steroid), however there are side effects. What trial treatment was your mum on? If she couldn’t tolerate those side effects, her team presumably believe she wouldn’t tolerate DRT side effects.
    It would be helpful for you to know her team’s reasoning so that you understand, this may possibly include that your mother’s myeloma is slow progressing, if it is.

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