Dry mouth

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Gill 13 years, 7 months ago.

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    I don't know if this is the right place to post this because it is not medicinal but boy has it helped.

    Stephen has had a very dry mouth. He has been unable to get his mouth to produce much saliva and, as a result, the little that he could eat was h**l (the real word got blocked) to swallow and get down.

    He was told that the the radiotherapy he had received had zapped some of the glands in his throat and mouth and that was causing the problem although it should not last forever.

    Dr V said The Cure ?? Suck Lemons!!!

    It really works. I have a sweet tooth but after tasting the squeezed lemons and water found them not too bad. A small glass would be about all that I would want. However Stephen does not like sweet things (forget the chocolate craving while on one drug regime:-) and is drinking loads of squeezed lemons mixed with mineral water.

    Thank you to the gadget tempter that made me buy an electric juice squeezer many decades ago. (in the back of a cupboard with all the other things I bought and hardly used. My dad was the same could it be genetic??)

    The lemon juice promotes the glands to make saliva. I bet you will all notice that if you cut citrus fruit and get a whiff of it you get a watery mouth.

    I am off to the local market later this week to buy bags full. Supermarket lemons 35p each!!! Goodness that's seven bob in real money (showing my age.)

    Gill x

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