This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 13 years ago.

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    I get a copy of the letter that goes from my Hospital Consultant to my Doctor after every appointment. Normally just repeating what was said and discussed at my last appointment. It also gives all the Blood measurements which is what I am generally interested in. This time it gave a figure for EGFR! I have never seen this quoted before at all and I wondered what is EGFR, anyone know?

    I hope you are all well.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hello David

    it is something todo with the filtration of the kidneys so I expect they were checking to make sure yours were not being affected
    Keep well:-)
    love jo



    That's correct Badger. Ever since I had kidney cancer it's been a figure close to my heart, if that doesn't sound contradictory).

    They say that it indicates how well your kidneys function as a percentage, but don't get over excited if you're not 100% – no one is.

    Unless it's very low no one will get too excited – say 20% or so, but you can live quite happily at 30%. What will concern them more is any sudden unexplained drop. Another thing to take in to account is that it can vary quite widely between readings.

    There seem to be many readings they take that when they are out of line they ignore, but that's probably because there'll be obvious physical symptoms if you have a problem. It's just something they monitor.

    Mine's varied between 50% and 70% more recently over the years and I doubt that my kidneys are improving with age. Anyone's reading should deteriorate over time.



    Yes, thanks for that information.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte


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