Email address for any contact please

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Roz 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #108766


    Hi all
    Thought I would let you know how I am doing. I miss talking to you like I used to because you were like my life-line. If anyone would like to get me back they can email me on
    I'm still not sleeping, my mum is worried about me, cos I sometimes look like a ghost who's brain is ready to explode.
    Thought I'd also warn you that if your other half makes a will and then gets a works pension and the money starts building up without you checking how much is in, you could end up with the problems I have got. NEVER HAVE MORE THAN 30 GRAND IN ONE BANK. I know it seems alot and you think it will not happen believe me it can. Michael left everything to me. But because of him only just getting his pension, then becoming ill so fast we never got time to fill in the the Power of Attorney. Please do this. Michael's money has to go to probate even with the will. New law no-one knows about and banks don't tell.

    Miss you all

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