
This topic contains 8 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  phil47 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi Everyone

    Does anyone know what excersise is recommended when you have Myeloma.
    I would still like to keep fit but do not know what is good and what is not.

    Thanks for your help. Happy New Year.




    Hi Charlie

    Am sure it will be a none impact one, I do walking and A bit of leisure cycling, but not too much am afraid so am not the best to advise, am sure Some one might have been told what's best I would love to know myself .

    Tom Onwards and Upwards .



    I had this discussion with my specialist before xmas. Tom's right, low impact activity, walking, swimming (no diving) are good. Avoid high impact sports, skiing and also weights.

    I've seen research that shows that people's physical activity drops off quite dramatically following MM. We know that exercise is important for health though and the immune system so important to do it even when feeling crap. 🙂



    Hi Charlie avoid swimming especially if you on chemo at the mo, pools and changing rooms are are hive of bacteria for you already weakened immune system, I would recommend walking and light cycling take care happy trails



    Hi Charlie,

    Agree with all the other posts, why not try asking for a physiotherapist consultant to give advice as well re general exercise. Colin has been recommended something like tai chi or qui gong I think it's called. Walking bound to be good, little and often (like food ha ha!). Definitely avoid the swimming pools and saunas, too many germs.

    Hope your treatment is going better given the rough start you had

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Charlie

    I think it really depends on whether you have any bone damage and what pain you have. The Myeloma UK booklet says walking and low impact exercise is good like yoga and pilates and this would include swimming but as swimming pools can be a hotbed of germs these are probably best avoided!

    It really depends on what you can do. I was pretty active before my diagnosis and once I got past the treatment stage and my back pain went I was able to do more walking, played tennis and cycled. After my stem cell transplant there was no stopping me, the Manchester 10k run, more tennis, skiing, outdoor fitness classes and lots of walking. I am now starting training for a triathlon!

    I checked the above out first with my consultant and she told me to build up slowly but do what I wanted as I did not have any bone damage (turned out that I did but thats another story).

    During treatment, I was really down and in pain and nearly chucked out my sports gear thinking that I would never be able to play squash/tennis again. A year later I was doing the Manchester 10k! How things change but whilst you are on treatment take it easy, a bit of gentle walking and stretching, tai chi or qi gong.




    I agree with Wendy. My consultant has basically said I can do whatever I like providing it doesn't cause any discomfort. I've done an hour in the gym twice this week followed by half hour swim and did a 7 mile walk on Wednesday. I swam right through my induction treatment at the local council pool without any problems at all. I even managed to get insured to ski in Colorado for a week over Christmas for £158 (though didn't go in the end!).



    Hi Phil, Hi Wendy,

    Just joined the site and find your comments very interesting ( and hopeful). I guess yo were both healthy sporting types before being diagnosed. I was at the gym 5 days a week, managed a Golf Club in Hampshire, never smoked, an never drank to excess ( except hen I was in the RN !). I am now 64 and just retired to Hong Kong to join my wife ( having lived her since 1989), I was in the Squash team both league and Masters, and although my vertebrae snapped in 10 places and I lost 4" of height overnight, I have continued to be positive and am back playing golf (although not hitting it as far) and am swimming quite regularly. Tomorrow I am going to attempt a "gentle" game of Squash. I do not use pain killers but have them to hand.

    My last MRI said the bone have healed themselves and so I feel up to having a go. It is a bit scary but I guess I just have to try.

    Please keep me informed on your sporting progress ( golfingrob@gmail.com) , it would be great to hear your news and good luck to us all.



    Hi Rob,
    Sorry it's taken so long to reply. Been out and about trying to enjoy the good weather and not been on the site for a while. Things still OK with me, managed a 6 mile run a couple of weeks ago and played golf last week. A few of us CAMRA members do a 5-7 mile walk along the canals reach week, ending up at a CAMRA recommended pub for lunch. My main problem is my neutrophil counts, they're all over the place and I'm regularly just below 1 but no idea why they fluctuate so much. Hope things are well with you.

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