Experience of Blerep

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 1 year, 3 months ago.

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    Has anyone had experience with Blenrep – both in terms of getting use approved and actual impact on MM and side effects?
    Thanks x



    Hi kh0305
    I haven’t personal experience of Blenrep but have spoken to a few other patients on it.
    My understanding is that it is still only available as Compassionate Use, but is comparatively easy for consultants to obtain this way. My consultant is quite dismissive of it as his patients who have used it have had corneal ulcers which have affected their quality of life. However I met someone at a Myeloma UK Patient Information Day this year who has been on Blenrep for longer than any other drug, (I recall nearly 2 years?) and has found it the most benign myeloma drug ever taken. This patient has had intermittently itchy eyes, but most days has no visual problems and still drives. An ultra high risk friend of mine was on it for about 11 months until he became refractory. He didn’t have eye problems at all.
    He’d had to wait several months to get Blenrep because his hospital didn’t have a nurse trained in the eye care /assessment that is necessary.



    Thank you so much. Thats really helpful. Dad’s now triple refractory and end of life and his consultant has applied for compassionate use as last effort. We are waiting to hear back as to whether this is successful. Dads had a lot of issues on his treatments over the years regarding side effects – he seems to win the lottery and get pretty much every single side effect listed, shame it’s not so successful with the actual lottery! – so am bit worried about the corneal side effects and good to hear there are some with minimal complications. At the moment he’s not on any treatment so has a lot of pain so hoping if this does go ahead we can get him started sooner rather than later abs hopefully buy him some more time and of better quality than he’s had the past couple of years. Will just have to wait and see.
    Appreciate your reply.
    Thank you xx



    I hope your father’s consultant gets him the Blenrep and that it works well for him.



    Thank you 🙏🏼 x

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