Extreme GI side effects from Lenalidomide

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 4 years, 5 months ago.

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    My mother’s Myeloma became symptomatic earlier this year and she started treatment of 15mg Lenalidomide and 40mg Dexamethasone in August. After 12 days of this treatment she developed severe vomiting, nausea and diarrhea and was admitted to hospital. 30 days later she is still in hospital having lost an enormous amount of weight as they didn’t give her any nutritional support for 15 days and she continues to have diarrhea and can’t keep any food down. She has a very inflamed small and large intestine which also has ulcers on it. The hospital seems clueless as to how to treat this and say they have never seen such an extreme reaction. Has anyone experienced anything similar or come across any similar cases? Looking for any help we can get. Thank you.



    I’m sorry to read of your mum’s reaction to her myeloma drugs. I presume that you haven’t had a reply because her reaction has been much more extreme than most of us experience, and given we are not medically trained, it’s difficult for us to give useful advice.
    I hope that your mum’s health has improved since your post. If you are still worried, I would ring her myeloma nurse and / or the myeloma UK nurse.
    It’s not uncommon for patients to have a reaction to lenalidomide initially, this usually gets better after the first cycle- but not a reaction as severe as your mother’s.

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