eye problems

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Gill20 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Has anyone had problems with their eyes, my eyes are pink all round seem to have gone small,stinging and watery, also blurred vision, just wondered if it was something to do with myeloma or something else.




    Susan I had a reaction to the Velcade which gave me stye's that didn't seem to clear up for ages. Really persistent.



    Hello Susan

    I hope you don’t mind me replying to your post. This is a topic that comes up from time to time on the Myeloma Infoline.

    Eye problems can occur in myeloma patients for a variety of reasons both as a result of the myeloma itself and as a result of the side–effects of certain treatments.

    Eye problems associated with myeloma are more often a problem in the early stages before the myeloma has been brought under control by treatment.

    There are several potential causes but the most common is a condition called hyperviscosity of the blood. This happens when there are large amounts of paraprotein/free light chains causing the blood to thicken. This can damage the blood vessels in the eye resulting in blurred and double vision.

    Dexamethasone (steroid) treatment can cause eye problems following prolonged use because it can increase pressure within the eye and also cause cataracts.

    Velcade can also cause problems with the eyes such as blurred vision, infections such as conjunctivitis and eye pain, so please do let your doctor or nurse specialist know that you have these symptoms.

    With best wishes




    Yep, I now have eye problems. I've developed cataracts over the last three years ie while I've had myeloma. Not sure if its from the myeloma or the Velcade or the Dex or any of the other drugs I've been on. Once I get over my SCT I'm due to get them cut out. At least this can be sorted out!!

    All the best




    Hi Susan,

    I had problems with my eyes right from the start of my treatment and after the SCT I found my sight was deteriorating very quickly but the hospital kept telling me everything was alright and it wasn't the treatment affecting them . I spoke to my GP who referred me to the eye hospital, they found I had cataracts in both eyes and because I was very short sighted they recommended replacing the lenses. I have had both eyes done within a month and can now see perfectly after wearing glasses all my life I no longer need them except for reading. It was a bit awkward for the month when I had one done I had to take a lens out of my glasses to get by, I didn't wear them out like that though. lol I would recommend this operation to anyone who has cataracts.

    Gill x

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