Fall at home


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 4 years, 4 months ago.

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    I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in April 2019 and live alone at home by choice. However, I had a nasty fall yesterday by slipping and landing heavily in the bathroom. Surprisingly, I didn’t break anything but ended up with bruising on my right hip, right side of my ribs and upper right arm. I like my independence and want to keep it for as long as possible. Being admitted to hospital is also becoming a bit monotonous and something I wish to avoid. But, this has made me recognise how serious this incident could have been. Has anyone any suggestions as how I can prevent falls throughout my home and maintain my overall independence (i.e. suggestions, practices, equipment)? Has anyone else fallen? If so, what did you do to raise help?



    Hello Marty2019

    Sorry to hear of your mishap in the bathroom. These sorts of things can be quite serious and safety at home is often ignored.

    Our local myeloma support group arranged a talk last year from the Falls Prevention team in West Lancs which was excellent. They are part of NHS. Local agencies such as Macmillan, Age Concern or even your GP should be able to signpost you to someone in your area who can help with aids and advice around the house.

    I spent my working career in Health and Safety and know how important it is to prevent slips, trips and falls both in the workplace and at home. Accidents like these are surprisingly common.

    The best advice I ever heard was Take Two' - just take two minutes to think about things before starting to do anything, this is a good way to avoid anyown goals’ at home.

    Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon.




    Hi Marty
    I hope the physical consequences of the fall are getting better now.
    I would contact your local social services department and ask for an occupational therapist assessment.
    We have had them from two different local authorities in recent years for different family members, and both have been really helpful and have speedily provided some equipment and given excellent advice on other useful pieces of equipment.

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