Feeling low

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    Good morning all I hope all the harvester,s are going well.
    I am not felling great today as I lost my older sister yesterday to the dreaded (c) we knew this day would come,but I am feeling guilty about my treatment as we went through so much together.
    Sorry for being a burden but I don't want to get upset in front of her children and I think it might help to put this in words.
    Thanks for letting me ramble on.
    Etta x



    Oh Etta, I am so sorry to hear your news and for the loss of your sister. What a difficult thing to face when you are dealing with myeloma yourself. But you don't have a thing to feel guilty about, life can be harsh and we have no choice but to play the cards we are dealt.

    You have not rambled at all, but feel free to ramble as much as you like if it helps make you feel better. This forum is full of great 'listeners' and we are all happy to do anything we can to help.

    Be kind to yourself at this time, take life as easy as you can. My thoughts are with you and all your family,

    Much love Mari xxx



    Thanks Mari
    I feel much better now spoke to eldest daughter in oz on Skype had a cry together.
    So will try and keep busy today thanks again.Etta x



    Dear Etta
    As Mari says, ramble away, I'm one of 4 girls and all my sisters are all close, I'd be devastated if anything happened to any of them, so you have every right to feel right down in the dumps, not least because of the stage you are in your treatment also. Life is so unfair sometimes.
    I had a whinge and moan yesterday for no real reason at all, just the sheer endlessness feeling of being constantly poked, prodded, pricked and provoked by the vicissitudes of the disease, and I didn't have the excuse of a tragic bereavement.
    So feel free to feel down, I hope it doesn't get too much and and I'm glad you have your daughter and family to share it with. I do hope you feel a bit better soon.
    Love Helen



    Dear Etta

    I am so very sorry for the passing of your sister. Life can deal us some terrible blows but this is a brilliant place to rant as much as you like. My sympathies are with you and your family. Please take care of yourself

    Love Jean x



    Hi Etta,
    I am sorry about your sister,I know a few on here who have had the same thing going on in there lives Jean lost her brother,I lost my Grandson,so we do understand how you feel,myeloma is hard enough without a death of a loved one.So you are entitled to feel low,we can only off sympathy,and a realisation that we do know how you feel Love Eve



    Thanks Helen my sister was old enough to be my mum,but we were best friends as well.
    When we were both fit off to bingo we would go and have fun ,I hope she has met up with some old friends.
    When I am fit again one of her daughters said she will take me , I think she is trying to keep my spirit's up.
    I get my stem cells back in August so I need to keep strong.
    Love Etta x



    Thanks jean and eve
    It has helped me having my ramble every body is very thoughtful special thoughts to all who have lost someone
    Love Etta x



    Hi Etta

    I am so sorry to hear about your sister, I send my condolences to you and your sisters family and Friends.

    This site is not just for MM and its bits and bobs am sure we all agree this great site is for everything to with our lives to share and be shared, our ups and our downs.

    And Etta am sure you dont know how to ramble 😎

    Love Tom xxx



    I am so sorry to hear of your sad loss, Etta!

    I am glad you were able to talk to your daughter over cyberspace and cry together,and rest assured that any time you feel the need to post here when things are getting on top of you there will always be someone to listen and respond.

    I wish you and your family well over this sad time.


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