Few short weeks

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tony642 3 years ago.

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    Hi all,
    My mum is at the end of her battle with MM. Her consultant has said she only has a few weeks left. I’m finding it hard to get my head around because she seems ‘normal’ her pain has been bad but under control now, but I just can’t imagine that she will leave us soon.
    How does it happen ? How long is a few weeks ?



    Hi jogj,

    I am so sorry to hear that you have to face losing your mum so soon. I cannot imagine what it must be like for you and your family. I don’t have the answers to your questions, but hope that you can spend time with her and that she will continue to be pain free.

    If you want to know more about what has happened to the disease to make it ‘the end of her battle’ perhaps you can ask her consultant or Nurse Specialist to explain for you?

    I wish you strength in the coming weeks.




    Hi Jogj, I am sorry that you are facing the terror of loosing your mother.
    As a myeloma patient, I hope that my final days and weeks are like your mother’s, with pain under control and still being very much myself. It must feel unbelievable that someone can go from outwardly looking reasonably well to being untreatably ill in the blink of an eye. How does your mother feel about it? Some people with MM are at peace with their impending death and are able to create new memories with their families and say whatever they want to say in a way that people whose death is sudden are not able to. This is what I’d like for myself. Please seek help from your mother’s myeloma nurse and/ or Myeloma UK as Lili suggested.



    Hi Jogj, I am so sorry to hear about your mother. As a patient and at one time very close to what your mother is going through, I know how she must feel. Don`t forget that there is assistance for you such as grief counselling and preparing for the passing away of a loved one available from MacMillan Nurses, and there is also the Myeloma UK website help and support section.

    I found that support and love from family and friends very comforting and I tried to look back on the good things that had happened in my life. Maybe you could try helping your mother to remember all the happy times and remind her of good memories!

    Sometimes I didn`t want to talk! I just wanted someone to sit with me and hold my hand. Knowing that there was someone with me who loved me was very comforting. Sometimes, that is all I wanted, to be peaceful and just reflect on my life!

    I sincerely hope that what ever time she has left, that it is peaceful and pain free and that she knows her family was close to her at the end.

    Don`t forget to look after yourself, which is easy to forget to do!

    Sincere regards, Tony

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