Fingers don't work properly now

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PatG 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Soo frustrated! I finished treatment last June (VCD) but am still suffering with peripheral neuropathy in hands and feet. I thought it would eventually go away but although much better still plagues me. Especially today when I am trying to do some alterations to dresses I have bought for my holiday. Anyone any experience in how long it takes to resolve please?



    Hi Pat
    Good to see you back. Can’t help here, I’m still very plagued by PN in hands and feet but am 5 months behind you, so I’m just hoping it settles down eventually. Mine is much worse when I’m very tired – I’ve noticed I’m very clumsy and can’t open jars and stuff.
    Love Helen



    Hi Helen,
    It’s such a nuisance isn’t it? But to be honest I have been very lucky and the Amy is labelled ‘stable’ at the moment. The kidneys seem to be taking a bit of a bashing, but no treatment on the cards as yet so fingers crossed.
    Although I haven’t posted for ages I have been following everyone’s journey and laughed and cried with the rest of the community. There are so many people having such a difficult time compared to me I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud. No doubt my time will come, but in the meantime I am very grateful that the powers that be have decided that that is not my journey at the moment. As Andy says ‘every day is a gift’ and I am loving the presents!

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