Franks SCT take 2

This topic contains 65 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Thank you all for your good wishes. According to doctor this is day 0. Stems in and had cold shakes for a while, a sleep for a few hours and now sitting in a chair waiting for the United match starting 😀 Dear help me if they loose ! Thanks for all the brilliant support

    Love Jean xx



    Well how's he doing then? Did they win?
    Love Helen



    Hi Helen he said he would phone first thing. Nothing yet. Will give him half an hour and then will ring. NO WE DIDN'T WIN. WE WERE ROBBED 😛 Didn't hear from him after the match. I got home in time for the second half. Wish he would phone getting a bit anxious.

    Jean x



    Hi Jean,

    I hope Frank was doing well today when you went in to visit him. I remember worrying if I did not get a call from Phil first thing in the morning or before I went to bed but most of the time it was because he was sleeping 😀 I learnt not to call too often as I kept waking him up! It is hard not to worry when you are not there but you will find that Frank will sleep a lot and this is good, it allows the body to heal.




    Hi Megan

    I have just finished reading again Phil's journey. These posts are really great as you can follow a journey and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. 🙂 frank is still on a drip. When I ask him what is happening he shrugs – he's not like me I want to know everything. They put the 7.6 million back and I asked Frank to ask consultant why. She said that more the better. But when I spoke to transplant co ordinator weeks ago and was told thy would only put 2.5 million back at the body would just expel them. He slept for about two hours today and has been feeling quite sick. I was expecting him to phone but as you say he might be asleep

    Hope Phil is going from strength to strength.
    Take care
    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jean

    Do not worry about him not phoneing,he will feel all his energy has been zapped out of him,sounds if things are going as planned,Slim use to sleep,on waking he was so apologetic ,I arrived he slept then just as I was leaving he woke,get a good book,they still want you there when they wake up. Love Eve



    Hi Jean,

    If you are anything like I was I worried when I was at the hospital and I worried when I was at home!:-D

    I'm glad you found Phil's journey post useful, it does help show that things will get better, it just takes time. I remember when I wrote some of the posts thinking that the stay in hospital would never end and that I just wouldn't be able to cope any longer but I did cope (thanks in part to this wonderful forum)and the hospital stay did end. Phil has now been home for almost two months and he is getting better day by day so it was worth it!

    I hope Frank doesn't feel too sick, make sure he asks for more/different anti sickness meds if the one he is taking doesn't seem to help.

    Take care of yourself Jean.




    Brilliant news Jean

    keep us posted with Franks progress
    Love and a Hug
    From Jo x



    Hey Jean

    Frank sounds like me (but not the footy lol) I never used to ask I just let them get on with it 🙂 if My Mans Happy am Happy

    Let frank sleep its going good Honest.

    Love to you both

    Tom an Elaine Onwards and Upwards xxx



    Hi jean

    Try not to worry too much though i worried if Colin didn't phone me. Colin slept virtually all the time I was there. I watched tv and I think I know the relocation relocation programmes off by heart! Colin felt sick most of the time, but as far as I know was only sick once or twice in total.

    It's best when there is sleeping because that means resting! It does feel like a marathon in hospital but it does become worth it, with time and patience. Colin made a steady improvement but its slow and it does feel like it won't ever happen, but it does.

    Franks probably sleeping to forget the Man U disaster ha ha.

    Keep your chin up jean, will soon be over x

    Vicki and Colin x



    Dear Jean
    I didn't want to see anyone when I had my SCT, from about day 4 to 12, I have little recollection at all, I went back to my August 11 posts today to see what I did…….. Very little until 28 days seemingly, and my son says that on the days he came to see me I just grumbled at him and sent him home again! Do remind Frank to take the anti sickness tablets as regularly as they will give them, you usually have to ask for them separately, and take pain relief regularly if he thinks he's in pain, these can be controlled and he doesn't have to suffer.
    You hang in there
    Love Helen



    Day 4 Frank up, showered, shaved and dressed. No pain or discomfort. Feels sick but medication takes care of that. He is not eating. Had a bit of runny tummy but has cleared up. Consultant told him bloods have not dropped. Does anyone know is this a good or bad thing? I don't want him to be ill but is this normal or is it too early? Would appreciate any info

    Regards Jean x

    Ps he has a very angry itchy rash on his back



    Like Helen I did not want to see anyone (except Janet) during my SCT enforced stay… well I got my wish and it included Janet, who was there for the SC return (all 14 bags) but then came down with a nasty cold and recovered just in time to take me home. I was alone but not lonely as I invented my SCT Olympic games and kept in touch with all my friends on here (not too many left now). The Olympic games were of an individual nature but one or two contemporaries tried some of the events for fun. 😎

    I watched a lot of TV (well, I had it on for company) I trawled through YouTube but mostly I dozed, My SCT Olympic events were mainly based around toilet visits and other bathroom events but they certainly helped pass the time and by the end I had increased times phenomenally and became very efficient (with good need during the 'runs' stage.;-)

    I know it took a lot of work and encouragement to get Frank tothis stage and there is no backing out now… so I wish you both well for a relatively smooth journey and wishing you all the best for a short stay and then home for a leisurely recovery.:-)




    Hi Jean and Frank
    Well aint your Hubby doing well 😀 am sure (but my mind has gone awo;?) Frank is doing better than I did at same time ? you will have to ask Elaine Jean am sure she will remember Lol. but all through it i was up showered and shaved (its all you have to do to be honest) and dressed it made me feel better when i fell asleep lol. I think the Poorly bit is on its way so be warned its Normal am afraid to say, you might get to the room and Frank might be asleep all the way through the visit, he is not being rude its just the best way to do it.
    Stay Well and jean dont forget to rest yourself as you will be needed when Frank comes Home.

    Love and Hugs to you both xxx

    Dai I remember your SCT Olympic's Ha ha and I loved them.
    Its been that long am not sure who was first with SCT ?? as for you tube I have one and for those that are a little bit bored nip in and look at you tube account for me and thats :::: anotherbrotherofjock enjou it lol

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Hi Jean & Frank
    I had my SCT on 16 th Jan this year
    The dose of maphalan, I called the killer chemo , should wipe out your cells in less than 24 hours , ready for the SCT
    I was not in a very happy place for about 10 days , then they announced I was at point zero ie ,neutropenic
    Soon got mouth ulcers & blistered lip , but they gave me saline mouth wash to use several times a day , plus I started drinking plenty of tea, that was a lifetime first
    This seemed to clear the ulcers up very quickly
    Not long after that my neuts picked up from zero to 3.8 in 48 hours
    Came home after 16 days , bloods & bone marrow back to normal in less than two weeks
    Now just recently got the itchy back, some things just don't go to plan
    All the best

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