Franks stem cell harvest

This topic contains 10 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  jmsmyth 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi all

    Well got to hospital at 8 am bloods taken and sent off. At 9.15 we were told white blood cell count was 14 so harvest was going ahead. Put on machine at 9.30, taken off at 1.30. Nurse said she would phone in about two hours to tell us how Franks cells behaved. Left hospital did a little bit of shopping just got home and Franks mobile rang and nurse said that he had done exceptionally well that they got 7.2. I was not in the room at the time so couldn't get a chance to ask — is that 7.2 million? Considering consultant wants at least 1 million – I am over the moon. Hope that I'm right. Frank said the terrible pain was worth it 😀

    Regards to all
    Love Jean x



    And a well done Frank 😀 No pain no gain well worht hte agro I hope Frank has got them all and its a sit and wait for SCT

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx8-)



    Well done Frank

    now its all systems go keep well and strong you will with Jean by your side
    Big Hugs Jo:-)



    Score!! Great result. Well done those cells.
    I also had a bumper harvest in October and I was really knackered for quite a while afterwards, which I'd underestimated… No idea if it's more tiring if you get more but might be the case as the bone marrow has clearly gone into overdrive pumping out stem cells. So take it easy this week 🙂 not running around Xmas shopping… My mum was knackered too and that was just from being there with me!



    Hooray!!! Well done Frank:-D

    You can now both enjoy a lovely Christmas.




    Hi Jean and Frank

    What great news!!! Well done Frank.

    Have a lovely Xmas and a very Happy New Year

    Best wishes

    Ann and Pete




    Hi Jean and Frank

    What a relief for you both:-) Mum was just the same – in 1 sitting and millions of lovely cells. No pain no gain.

    Try and relax now and have a wonderful Christmas.

    Much love to you and your family Ali xx



    Hi Jean and Frank,

    7.2 million, gosh that's a massive score……in the back of the net ha ha 🙂

    Result that man, no pain no gain was right. Always good when those pains prove dividends.

    Happy christmas to you both!

    Ali…. Hope your mums doing well 🙂 fingers crossed

    Ann and pete, any news on what your next steps are?

    Best to all

    Vicki and Colin x



    Thank you all for your good wishes. I keep asking Frank if he's sure they said 7.2, he said 7.2 or 7.5 can't remember!!! So just to makes sure I'm phoning them tomorrow 😉

    I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and healthy happy new year
    Love Jean xx



    Dear Jean and Frank
    Great result!:-) if it were not true they would bring him back tomorrow to have another go, and it doesn't sound like you have to go back? looks nearly enough for 3 there. Everyone is sooo different
    Love Helen



    Hi Helen

    Thanks. Still don't believe it!! But consultant said that if got good harvest they would freeze but she said that because of his age (he looks young)!!!) 😉 but she didn't think that there would be another. Anyway hope this one goes well with as little infections and he has a long remission

    Cough behaving itself??
    Love Jean

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