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    Hi everyone just thought I would share my latest find with you all Apparently every fuel company has a fund with which to help those suffering hardship I think the criteria is if you are elderly or chronically ill eg cancer, registered disabled you can apply for a one off payment of £120 to help with electricity costs . All it took was a phone call to EDF who sent me a short form within a few weeks I was told Iwould be eligible, and after another 2 weeks I recieved credit for my pre-payment meter of £120 If you are on quaterly bills the amount is credited to your account Applications are accepted until December I think but restart at the end of March Sorry but my terrible memory is not sure of the name of the scheme but I think its called Warn Front I will check tomorrow and post again. I have been meaning to post this for a few weeks and I thought it b etter to tell you the outline of the scheme and get back to you with the name Perhaps someone else has applied for it and does know what its called It was certainly very nice to get something back from an energy company for a change !!! love Bridget ps sorry for being vague its not me its Thalidomide ! X



    Thanks for that Bridget… as I have heard somewhere – 'Every Little Helps'.

    The thing is, there are plenty of benefits, grants and bursaries available for long-term and terminal illness patients and their dependants but no central unit or help-point where you can go and find out what exactly is available and what is due to you. I find that both scurrilous and pathetic. We have enough to be going on with without worrying ourselves sick about how we are going to get through the winter bills.:'-(

    Anyway… don't get me started.:-D And thank you once again,:-)




    Hi Dai you are so right the lack of information to people who could be eligible for benefits is a disgrace Especially when there are politically engineered media campaigns to shop benefit cheats, the latest being anyone claiming DLA It makes my blood boil that they think we are all so gullible and stupid and could be conned by these manipulations of statistics Not only that but it is becoming dangerous too Last week I read an article by a woman who needed to use a wheelchair She had no obvious disability and having used a disabled parking bay was set upon by a group of people who accused her of being a cheat ! She was dragged from her chair by the hair , spat upon This woman is now frightened to leave her house unless someone is with her and as a result has lost her independance What a sad indictment of our society in the 21st century !! Sorry rant over love to you and Janet Bridget x



    Hi Bridget

    Thanks for that tip,It has always been the case they are not obliged to tell you about all the help you can get,some things are very wrong with our society.

    All this media attention,has increased attacks on disabled people,a couple of months ago,Slim was verbally attacked at the bank,he was on sticks and sat down,a man next to him,just started on him,when Slim asked him what it had to do with him,he came out with I pay my taxes!!!
    I would say to anyone who makes a judgement on someone,try walking a mile in their shoes,before making a comment.Eve



    Hi Eve the media furore is what prompted me to be concerned I find it very disturbing that people can be misled by a few emotive headlines without looking at the facts Hopefully common sense will prevail before things get any worse love to you and Slim Bridget x



    I will be interested to know the name of that scheme and will be appling – thanks.

    I was truely shocked by your stories of the person being set upon and the agressive man in the bank, what has my Country come to. It is a very sad state of affairs.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Thanks for the info Bridget,I will give that a shot.Hope you enjoying the lovely sunshine.Just for your info on the Benefits issues i managed to claim Employment support allowance so i have entered the system!!!thanks for the support.
    Love outdoors Paul
    PS Rachel and I off to Scotland next week to small Island called Cumbrae for 4 nights…cant wait.8-)



    Hi Paul well we all need to claim what we are entitled to these days, I am still looking for the letter with the name of the scheme on it though!! So pleased you got sorted at least thats one less worry for you and Rachel Scotland sounds good have a great time and post some pics to make us jealous love to you both Bridget x

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