Full Blood Counts – Neutrophils and Lymphocytes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 1 year, 12 months ago.

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    Please can anyone help – i had a Full Blood Count yesterday (14/3/23) before i started Cycle 3 of D-VTD treatment. I asked for a copy of the results (which i always do as i am interested as to what my bloodwork is up to) and i noticed that my neutrophils is 4.5 (which is in range) but my Lymphocyte Count is 0.8.

    Does anyone know if this is normal?

    Thank you



    Hi Jennya

    It’s very common that myeloma patients have low lymphocytes, outside the normal range.
    It does not seem to reflect response to treatment but seems to be inherent to those patients’types of myeloma. Perhaps similarly many myeloma patients have low levels of their uninvolved immunoglobulins (eg if we have IgG myeloma, IgA and/or IgM being low, known as immunoparesis) .

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