general update

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #111968


    Hi one and all, I have been absent without leave from the site for awhile now. It all started when I had to re-install win 7. My computer would randomly crash. It was my fault I tried to be just a little to clever and it did not work – enough said I think (hiding red face). In penance I have sorted out my Grandchildren’s computers, the youngest had 144 bugs and 20 adv advertising cookies, WOW.

    I am on the third cycle of third line treatment now for my Myeloma, Revlimid and Dexamethasone. I do not seem to get any side affects from the Rev, or none that I notice, the dex knocks me about a bit sleepless nights and down days which is the standard I think. My PP started at 29.8 and are now down to 3.3 which you could say I am pleased with! I have had to have a Myeloma mass at the base of my scull zapped with Radiotherapy and another mass seems to have developed on my back, I have a CT Scan on the 20th which will be followed by more radiotherapy if appropriate. I was interested in Tina’s tickle cough/pneumonia. I have one as well at the moment but it is only present when I go to bed, as soon as i concentrate on something, newspaper, computer etc… it goes!

    I am continuing on Hormone Therapy #treatment for my Advanced Prostate Cancer. I should have stopped it for a 3 month break but the cancer is so aggressive that the hospital decide the best thing to do was continue treatment and just keep it at bay. Again I do not seem to have any side affects as yet from the treatment and I have been on it for 2 years now.

    Otherwise I am fit and well. We are planning a trip to London in early March and possibly a trip to Spain to see Mo’s brother, if we can afford the insurance, in May/Aug period.

    Not sure about the new site – I suppose I will get used to it. I cannot seem to edit a single word, the whole message disappears – am I dong something wrong? Have to copy and paste from Word I think

    Cough gone now so going back to bed, if Dex will let me. Good luck to you all.

    Kindest regard Vasbyt




    Hi David.
    The new site is having a lot of teething troubles. Stuart the web master is looking into them. He has a discussion page on the off topic forum and I know he is looking into the editing issue.
    I get a cough and hiccups when I take my Dex I always have. I have to be careful when I drink as it sets me off hiccuping. I sometimes seem to choke on nothing! Hence the coughing. And of course the sleepless nights and mood swings.
    Glad your planning to get away because I think the breaks do Steph and I a boost and a world of good.

    Every days a gift.
    Gratefully received.




    Hi David and Andy

    Good to see you are still around and doing as well as can be! Are the Myeloma masses outside the bones David,you do not say???,
    Glad the PP are right down,how are your bloods with the Revilimid ????.

    Have to admit David I am not keen on the new format,my I Pad,makes it difficult to log in,and cannot get the site to remember me on log in.

    Hi Andy see you found the site!!!.

    Again lovely to hear from you David,Vesbyt,that’s Slim and me at this moment in time.Eve



    Hello all

    We too have the log in troubles…..if that we the only thing eh! Not been on for a while as we are moving Colin’s mum down to live closer to us… tired to do too much typing tonight and Colin is snoring to my right! 🙂 just wanted to say hi all and hope you are all still battling on 🙂

    Where’s that sun!

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi David

    Sorry to hear you are having a hard time. Hope you get that holiday. What insurance company do you use?

    We have planned our first getaway but only for one night. We are having at treat at Gleneagles Hotel. Will look at booking somewhere warm if Ian is well.




    Hi Maureen, I have tried with quotes from them all, but Myeloma with Prostate neither of which is in remission is a big no no for them.

    Have a great stay at Gleneagles, I have never been there but when I watch the golf it looks a great place.

    I have just booked the Rickett Suite at the Union Jack Club in Waterloo, it is their top suite I tried to get it last time but failed – there is a good reason for this I am just not being flash! We are going to visit London on the 4-6 March. My local MP has organised a personal tour of the Houses of Parliament for my wife and I with one of his researchers. Then we are off to see Westminster Abbey. No doubt a little bit of shopping and then home again. Last time we drove but this time we are going by train.

    Kindest regards – vasbyt




    Dear David
    It’s good to hear you are still getting out and about… Even if it’s only in the UK. I’m going to tackle the insurance company tomorrow to see how I’m fixed since relapse/remission……. I have my fingers firmly crossed and will not be a happy bunny if they say ‘no’
    Love Helen

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