Getting better for now.

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  dickb 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    I was diagnosed last October.

    Kidney failure led to the diagnosis.

    Since then I have had three courses of velcade and my paraprotein has gone down from 56 to 35 to 23 now. So that is going in the right direction. I am very short of breath but other-wise OK. I think I will be around for some time yet.

    I will buy a large size LCD TV after xmas as a treat.





    I think that you thoroughly deserve the TV John! Glad to hear that the Velcade is working.x




    Enjoy your TV!

    I am sure you will be around for many years to come. Thibk positive at all times.

    I was diagnosed March 2013, SCT November 2013, returned to work (part time) June 2014 and will return to full time work in the New Year.
    I am feeling fine.

    All the best

    God bless you




    Hi John,
    23 for PP isn’t a bad figure and if it comes down even more all the better, I’ve been at 23 since my SCT last January and still doing ok so don’t worry too much over the figure. There are plenty of other indicators that the medics will look at. Like you I am short of breath after climbing stairs etc but strangely enough not after riding the bike. Unlike you I won’t be buying a big LCD TV, if I did I wouldn’t get a chance to watch it because our daughter would hog it with her DVD’s.




    Hi Richard, Just wondering as people do mention shortness of breath – do you know what causes it? as I’m not sure but are you treatment free for now. I know some get it with velcade but I never did but have heard it crop up a few time now.




    Hi Rebecca,

    I haven’t a clue what generally causes shortness of breath but in my case MM was diagnosed whilst in hospital with a very severe case of Pneumonia. I still have damage to my left lung and so consequently I have reduced lung capacity. The other thing to note is that MM can also affect the Heamoglobin levels in the blood and it’s that that carries oxygen around the body.

    As for me, I am virtually treatment free, I go once a month for Zometa and a blood test. I stopped with pain killers in July after having 3 weeks rehabilitation that included a lot of Physio and sport. I stopped with the anti viral drugs and anti-biotics last month after my T4 cells reached over 200 per whatever measurement of blood it is. I still get a pain in my shoulders when doing fiddly things but I go swimming upto 3 times a week at the moment and still use the bike which certainly helps. My wife said she had noted that those who try and stay active through exercise or sport tend to suffer less. Obviously we accept that for a number, they just cannot be as active as they may like.

    By the way John, sorry for Hijacking your post.


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