I had lesions and fractures all over my torso, when I was initially diagnosed, the worst being when I cracked my sternum after I had a “mega” sneeze! So every time I coughed or sneezed after that I screamed and everyone thought I was having a heart attack! I dreaded the next sneeze which often came on me suddenly.
But my lesions had all healed after 5 rounds of chemo (Velicade, Dexamethazone, Thalidomide) so when I went for my SCT I was feeling quite good and fully mobile, and sneezing without pain!
But withing 24 hours of taking my Malphalan, I was pretty much bed bound as I felt so weak, with a commode by the side of my bed, as getting to the loo was such an effort even though it was not far away. For the next week, I pretty much lay on my bed and watched videos, and snoozed a lot. But after a week I was able to walk out the ward, Kings in London, and things just got better and better from there.