Good News stories

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  misterboy 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #124525


    As a relatively new patient, I have found the site and the forums immensely helpful, however as a generally positive person I wondered if it would be possible to suggest that one of the forum subjects be “good news stories” where people can give their experience of remission, treatment changes, service provision from their local NHS providers, positive changes in their results etc etc.

    just an idea to bring a little sunshine to what can be a cloudy day.



    misterboy you are right ive always found the positive posts such a boost just like you i try to be glass half full not empty. !!! there are a lot of positives on this site so keep looking. Im. remmision one year now. good experience in newcastle freeman. so up to now all good. always try to. plan myself. little things to. look ahead to. helps me focus. xx.



    Hi Annlyn and thank you so much for your reply and support to my idea.  You are absolutely right, there are some good news stories within the forum, the problem is you have to wade through to find them!!  I hope the idea gets further support.  Great to hear you have been in remission for one year now and that your experience at Newcastle Freeman is good – long may it continue.

    all the very best.

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