Hi Gina,
That is good news. You can tell your Mum from me that I have often felt at my absolute worse after getting good results… it just means that the medicine is doing its work. Unfortunately she is feeling the double whammy of the chemo being active and the accumulated side-effects, especially fatigue, that accompany the drugs at work. Essentially the drugs are making her feel ill, not the disease. The effects of the drugs will wear off but the actual disease will have decreased.. and so it goes on, beating it down until it achieves either complete response or an acceptable plateau.
I had a secondary tumour when I relapsed in January/March and it grew like topsy on my sternum… but the first course of Velcade made it disappear in a few weeks… I was fortunate that the tumour was MM related and I hope the same goes for your Mum. I am unfamiliar with the workings of Revlimid but hopefully it will have the same effect and shrivel up your Mum's nodules in no time. 🙂
Best wishes to you both.