Good Remission after 5 years- do not give up

This topic contains 12 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi All,

    Just had my last Consultation and thought I would let you all know the good news. I was told that they now consider me in Good Remission and that my light chains etc… are perfectly normal.

    This is after five years of medication, SCT, and all the normal drugs we all do, like Velcade etc… In that time I never got a clear bill of health always had min 2.9 PP.

    So I say to you all “do not give up” keep bl**dy well going no matter how tough it gets sometimes.

    I am just getting over a bad cold and cough (still on the antibiotics), which I think I caught in London. My MP arranged a trip around the Houses of Parliament, somewhere I have always wanted to go – but did not make my “bucket list”. I was allowed to stand at the PM’s dispatch box and demanded more help for Myeloma sufferers (I think the tourists groups were quite amused or was it puzzled.

    Got to go but will return.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by  Perkymite.


    Hi David

    Good News is always welcome and specially from you.

    I visited the Houses of Parliament on a school trip,and the local MP bought us all orange juices sitting on the terrace. So I hope this was extended to you,with champagne in it!!!!



    So Pleased for you David, and well done for standing up for Myeloma sufferers, you and Tom are an inspiration to others thats for sure, hope that the cold gets better soon, yes return soon ha! San X



    Great news David, it is always encouraging/uplifting to hear such good news and recognise that MM is so individual we cannot fully predict its path and acts as a reminder that really good things can happen too. Long may it last. Rebecca



    Well done David. You are such a good support for many on this forum and so deserve a long and healthy remission. I am 8 weeks post transplant and blood test at 4 weeks showed no paraprotein and normal light chain ratio….let’s hope it stays that way. I have an offer on my flat and am excitedly planning my return to Autralia….can’t wait to see this adorable new grand daughter as all as well as the rest of my family….4 kids and another 3 grandkids. Mum is 86 this year and I am hoping to be in Oz for her birthday on 23 July…..fingers crossed!




    Carol, she is not adorable she is absolutely gorgeous.

    We never did get to Australia and New Zealand. We do not have relatives out there so although we would liked to have gone there was never a great urge to visit.

    We are planning a small trip to Greece this year if things remain stable, we just want to sit in the sun (well shade for me) at a small bar and have a beer whilst watching the boats go in and out of the harbor. Any Greece lovers will know what I am talking about! My motto is if Andy can do it so can I LOL

    All the very best to you
    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Good news, as you say never give up



    Well done David and your team, and yes you are correct it’s never too late and you more than most know that am sure, you have been dealt a bad deck so far but it was worth the wait hope you don’t do your back in doing a wee jig in celebration



    Near half of my post missing ??? HELP lol x



    Hi Tom
    Can you try the steps in this post ( and let me know if it resolves your problem.

    Myeloma UK WebTeam



    hi David

    great news news your journey has been the same as mine I believe we joined this forum 5 years ago at the same time as you say never give up keep well
    Love Jo



    David well done you! That’s great news, your positive attitude is definitely the extra boost that follows the drugs. I truly believe the success stories are the inspiration we all need to keep going …..perhaps also a little vodka? 🙂

    Vicki and Colin xx



    Hi David

    Just managed to get back on site after lots of difficulties. Hate this new Sign In set up!

    Anyway, good to get on and hear your good news. It is so encouraging that our survival rates are getting longer all the time. I am now in year 4 and feeling good apart from mobility.

    May you have many more years and get that trip to Greece as a starter.

    Best wishes.


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