Happy birthday Dai

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years ago.

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  • #110620


    Dear Dai

    Just popped in to wish you a happy birthday. Hoe you have a great day and are spoiled.
    Love Jean xx



    +1 (I note all the kids(?) do this on the forums so just thought I would show how hip (or is it 😎 now) I am.)

    Have a great day Dai – here's to to the next 100 😎 😀

    kindest regards – vasbyte




    And I Dai

    Have a great day I know you wont/cant have what you want today and thats A Tea with the Family due to Fections 🙁 but you will have next year and do what I do get two birth dates (good enough for her Maj good enough for me 😎 )

    Hope you have a good time

    Love from us two Lappins xxxx

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