Heavy legs that don't want to work in the mornings

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mandyphillips41 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    I had my sct on 20th May. The past week I have been experiencing problems with my legs, when I am in bed they are very sore and very heavy, if I get up in the night or when I get up first thing in the morning they simply do not want to work – this is from the knees down.
    I went for an MRI scan yesterday and they confirmed that it is not spine compression (I had a Kyphoplasty 29th April) this is where cement is filled into my spine to mend a fractured vertebrae so the doctors thought it may have something to do with this.
    So we are back to wondering!!! Very frustrating but at least I know it is nothing sinister.

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    Many thanks in advance




    Hi Mandy,

    Sorry to hear about the heavy legs. I am afraid I can't help as although my husband Phil has neuropathy in his feet he does not describe the discomfort in the same way, his problem is a numb or burning sensation.

    Hopefully it is a side effect of something that will resolve itself quickly. Phil did have a strange side effect between the end of his treatment and his SCT – the top (and the top only) of both legs became very swollen. They ran tests, x-rays and scans but never worked out the cause and then it just went away while he was in hospital for the transplant. MM and the drugs seems to cause many unexplained things.




    Hi Megan
    Thanks for replying. I went for a scan on Monday but that didn't show anything sinister which has at least given me peace of mind. Spoke with the oncology team in Liverpool and they suggested its probably still the chemo in my system and to keep drinking lots of water to flush out my system and also a little light exercise – so I have been walking a bit more – then I am exhausted haha. Can't win. Still staying positive
    Thanks again – take care
    Mandy xx



    Hi Mandy, I have just finished my 4th cycle of Velcade, my pre-assessment day is this Friday.

    I too am getting the "heavy legs" symptoms. Or at least the muscles in both my legs, below the knee, feel tight and uncomfortable. They seem to work ok however and I managed a good 4 hours on them yesterday walking Mana, my Son's partners dog. They just feel uncomfortable below the knees as you say.

    I will mention it on Friday and see what the Consultant says and report back.

    Kindest regards – vasbyte




    Hi Mandy

    I have had this for some time and it has been worse in this hot weather. I also got cellulitis ( red legs and very sore). Four lots of anti-biotics haven't completely chased it away.

    Perhaps our legs, and their circulation, are a bit of a barometer of our general well-being.

    Keep cheerful.




    Hi all

    The pain I was describing in my legs is still bothering me. The hospital told me that's it's caused by the chemotherapy that is probably still in my body and I need to keep drinking lots of water to flush it out
    Now I also having problems with my right arm and hand. Yesterday I couldn't get out of the bath as I had no strength in my arms to push myself up. They also feel like they have pins and needles and like a dead feeling in them.
    Has/is anyone else experierencing this – I feel useless at the moment
    Thanks Mandy xx

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