This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 13 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #90913


    Good Morning everyone I just want to share my happiness today ! After many weeks I now have ankle again , instead of those awful cankles, yippee!! It seems the extra week off last week plus halving my Dex to 20mg has done the trick!! The confusion over how effective Ferusamide is had me puzzled for a while but my consultant advised me to take 40mg per day after she checked my kidney function and it seems she was right bless her!!! The other good thing on the horizon is a possible Revlimid holiday depending upon my mri results, it would be a lot easier if I could rely on my paraprotein results though . I am assuming a Dex holiday would be on the cards as well which would be bliss !!Perhaps a short break will shift some of this weight too !! But I must not get too excited and wait for the results , I am not going to dig out any size 12 clothes just yet!! I hope you all have a good day today especially Gordon , I hope he is feeling a bit better and Debs I hope your numbers are on the up today !! The other person on my mind today is Gaye I do hope you are ok and we all miss you so lots of love Bridget x



    I'm not going to rain on your parade Bridget… suffice to say I am envious of your mobility but I couldn't wish it on a more deserving person.:-D

    Enjoy yourself… skip if you are able, shuffle, trundle or just step out if you are not.:-)

    Good for you, good on you… well done. xxx 😎




    Oh Dai I really hope they get your leg sorted very soon!! It is so depressing and I am sorry if my silly post made yoy feel worse Fingers toes and eyes crossed for you love Bridget x




    Your post was not at all silly…. it was inspirational… Janet is very pleased for you and she says that it is a matter of 'as well as', not 'instead of'… she wants plusses and proud moments for us all… and so do I.

    Enjoy your freedom.8-)




    Hi Bridget

    great news to get your ankles back from that I take it your legs are much better my legs swelled up a lot on DEX that drug has a lot answer for one way or another I do hope you can get a holiday from it you will feel much better for a break, as for the weight as long as you feel well what does it matter

    Love and (((hugs))));-)
    jO X



    As a side-effect of the side-effects I also have put on weight – nearly a stone and a half since Xmas.

    This has surprised me as, with some exceptions, we usually eat a balanced, healthy diet and our portions are small with no 'seconds'.

    Of course my activity has been curtailed by treatment this summer and there is far too much sitting around doing little to nothing at all – and being a writer my work hardly requires much physical effort.

    Ahhhhhhhhh… the heavens have finally broke… after several rumblings of thunder this afternoon the big clap has sounded and it is absolutely pouring with rain.

    😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎
    I might be getting fat but at least I'll do it looking and feeling cool.
    😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎




    Brilliant news Bridget,
    Drug holidays Bliss, being able to see your ankles Bliss, choclolate Bliss. Never mind the weight, it will go when its ready. If not it has some useful properties.
    I wish I could get some weight on Peter, in readiness for the next hurdle I feel he will fade away due to lack of weight.
    Got to get baking now!
    Love Min



    hi bridget

    so pleased your ankels have decided to return to you have alovley drug free holiday
    with love sarah



    Hi Bridget

    I am so glad something is going your way after such a rotten few months.
    Long may your improvement last. Who knows, those size 12s may get another airing eventually.

    I always appreciate your obvious concerna and support of others.





    Thank you all for lovely replies .Min if I could send Peter a bit of my weight I would gladly do so but I am sure with you in charge he will get his stregth back before too long!! Sarah I hope Gordon has had another good day , still got fingers crossed for you . Mavis I have to confess I did have a peek at a couple of my favourite dresses tonight but put them back in the wardrobe as I dont want to jinx things !! love Bridget

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