HELP!!!! changed profile picture but is not showing on my posts???

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Babs 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    can any one help please ?
    I have changed my profile picture but my old one is still showing on my posts!!!!




    Andy from web tea, may be able to help you. I did it on my iPad. In profile new picture was there but on posts the old one was there. So I went on my lap top and did it there. It worked. I asked Andy and he gave me help but for the life of me I can't remember. If it doesn't work email the webtea. – Andy he will help

    Jean x



    thank you Jean, will do .



    Hi Babs

    Sorry did not have much time to talk today!!:-S :-/

    Slims memory is shot to pieces,still cannot remember meeting you;-)

    As I said get in touch if you want any info or tips,in the mean time good luck with you op.Love Eve



    Hi Eve,
    We attended the info day yesterday and one of the speakers said that memory loss and some confusion can be attributed to myeloma, it was a full day with lot to listen to and take in but very good. Definately the most people we have ever seen or met with myeloma, I recommend everyone goes to one if they are able.
    Only got to actually speak to a few fellow sufferers but those we did were similar to me in respect of bone damage and with my type of myeloma, it also became clear that a lot of us are confused and still learning about our condition, even people who have had it for many years!
    See you soon I expect.
    Love Babs

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