Help needed!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Perkymite 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Good evening, my Dad has just been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and I’m looking for ways to share our story.


    Basically, a few weeks ago when my Dad was diagnosed, the consultant gave him two options: start treatment immediately at our local hospital in Gateshead, or wait a while and take part in medical trialls in a hospital over in another city (Sunderland). As a family we decided that time was on our side and we wanted to keep it that way and start the treatment immediately.


    But since then my Dad has been beating himself up terribly, saying he feels selfish and unkind by not chosing to do the trialls. Obviously, the rest of us know that this is untrue, but to give something back and encourage him to focus on something positive I’ve decided to take action…..


    I’m doing the Teesdale Triathlon on 21/09/14, to raise money for Myeloma UK, and am currently taking sponsorship for what will be the challenge of my life!!


    I was wondering if there was any way you could share my Virgin Money Giving link, as I am doing everything possible to boost my sponsorship and get a good amout to this fantastic cause.


    My Dad is only 57, coming up to 58, and looks set to spend his birthday in hospital as it’s proving really difficult to get the pain under control.


    Furthermore, and heartbreakingly, we lost my Uncle Tom (my Dad’s Brother-in-law and best friend) to this horrible disease 11 years ago, and it was traumatic to say the least.


    I just want to show my Dad just how much of a role positivity plays in getting into remission (I’m a great believer) and exactly how much I love him. It’s not all doom and gloom with Myeloma, and I simply want to create a success story for my family after having such heartache all those years ago.


    My page is


    If there is anything you can do to share this for me and help me rack up some more sponsors I’d be eternally grateful!


    We will beat this!!





    Hi Sarah, good luck with your fundraising and I hope your Dad goes into remission after his treatment. My husband who is 57 now was diagnosed May 2013 after fractures of his spine were seen on an MRI scan after 4 months of intense back pain. There was never any question on whether he would go for the trial or not and he asked for it and fortunately was randomised to do the trial. The 6 cycles of chemo went quickly and he had his stem cell transplant in February this year. A few weeks ago he was told the good news that he is in stringent remission. The trial drugs therefore worked very well for him in Manchester.
    I did the BUPA Mancheser 10k run earlier this year to raise Monday for Myeloma UK and last Saturday we held a charity barbecue and raised £500. Graham’s cousin did a charity bike ride for Myeloma UK. I think all of the fundraising is so imporant and is a way to give something back and to help people in the future.
    Good luck to your Dad and your family and best wishes for your fundraising.
    Angela x



    Treatments have moved on since your Uncle Tom died. Dying will still be traumatic I know but I suspect your Dad will live a lot longer than you imagine at the moment.

    I started out on this road in 2009, the prognosis then was “Sale by Date” Jul 2011, I am still here! And I have Prostate Cancer to go with the Myeloma. I went down the normal route CDT, Stem Cell and then on to Velcade (which failed for me). 10 months ago I was put on Revlimide and suddenly I went into Remission, something that had never happened in all the other treatments I was always 2.3 pp or above.

    So, Do not give up, do not write your Dad Off just keep going like you did on your sponsored runs.

    Kindest regards – Vasbyte


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