Hi I am from the country so I don't know any one with this illness my problem

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  paulapurple 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi I am from the country my problem is that the doctors I do see seem to wait an inordernate time before I get to see them again for example blood test are ordered next appointment a month away. I complain of searing pain in my hands and feet so x-rays of my hands and feet are ordered, next appointment, another month.  It has been several months since I have been seeking help

    Now I have these pains pretty well anywhere I have difficulty walking, I am very tired all the time

    I find it difficult to walk concentrate I have trouble ballancing I have difficulty using my hands like typing stomach problems and on it goes  What is a resonable time to wait for appointments.

    What is reasonalble to expect for treatment.

    Regards Helen




    Hi Helen, my husband (47) was diagnosed in May and at first we did seem to be waiting around a lot for results once you get a full diagnosis though it usually speeds up dramatically.  3 months in and he’s been operated on, started and finished radiation therapy and has just completed round 1 of chemo with some excellent results!  What stage of diagnosis are you at? C




    In our experience once the diagnosis has been made things happened very quickly.  My husband sees his consultant every 4 weeks to talk about his current treatment, with bloods taken on the same day. If he has any problems eg, pain in hands and feet, the dosage is adjusted.

    When was your diagnosis and what treatment are you on?

    best wishes




    It can be a lengthy process until they decide what treatment is appropriate then it does pick up speed and also you get used to the time table. I sometimes find it frustrating if something goes wrong that I still have to wait for the appointment with the consultant before anything changes. However when my first lot of treatment wasn’t working they did see me swiftly and changeed it immediately.

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