Hickman Line


This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mulberry 1 year, 8 months ago.

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    This may sound like an odd question – I have just had a Hickman line fitted ready for stem cell harvest next week, but has anyone any suggestions as to what to do with the dangling bits (sorry I don’t know the technical name for them) whilst your sleeping.

    I am worried that I turn over in my sleep and pull it out or make it bleed.

    Also, any suggestions on how to keep it as dry as possible whilst showering would be appreciated too?

    Thanks in advance



    I never really got used to my dangly bits! During the day I tucked them into my bra- & intitally wore a soft bralette top at night to tuck them into.
    To shower I put the tubes in a zip lock bag, closed it as best I could, folded it in half horizontally, so the zip bit was underneath, then taped it just under my collarbone/upper chest using surgical tape. It did stop it getting wet if I was careful, but was a faff, and I was delighted to eventually get rid of the Hickman line.



    Hi, this is so helpful. I’m going into hospital on Monday for my SCT. I’m getting my line fitted on Monday then things will happen after that. I’m trying not to think too much about the big picture! Things like this however I can worry and deal with.
    I had my stem cell harvest done via a canula in each arm which worked well.
    Just wondering, during SCT how much time you were able/ allowed to be dressed in your own clothes during your hospital stay.
    I spent 3 weeks in hospital in January when I was diagnosed and always felt much better if I was up and dressed!
    Take care



    When I had my picc line fitted they gave me some covers to use when showering to keep it dry. They were reusable to as you just shook them afterwards and let them dry.

    They also gave me a cloth cover to wear during the day.

    As for SCT I was dressed for mine and I had 2 bags of stems cells and they only took about 20 min for each.

    Hope it all goes well for you.



    I got up & dressed everyday, before the ward round. Some days it was a struggle to do so. But I did feel better for being dressed.
    I know some people are too nauseous to do this, but if you can, I’d recommend it.

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