High Risk? VTD PACE?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  elise1701 6 years, 10 months ago.

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    my Mum was diagnosed with Myeloma in October 2017. She was put on VTD and we were told after 5/6 cycles she’d be going to Marsden for a Stem Cell Transplant. This was all going really well, we were half way through the 4th cycle last week when her bloods came in and her paraprotein levels went from 6.2 to 28 in 5 days. We were told that this was a possibility because her chromosomes showed that she is a high risk patient. The consultant has told us to bring her into hospital tomorrow to stay for 5 days and have VTD PACE. I’ve been researching all aspects of Myeloma since Mum was diagnosed but I really can’t find a lot online about this PACE treatment.

    I’m an only child and my father passed away when I was very young from Lymphoma. My Mum is my world and we’ve always been a team. I will do all I can to keep her here as long as possible. So any info anyone has on this treatment would be greatly received!

    Thank you, Elise x



    Hi Elise, Sorry to hear about your mum. VDT Pace is a combination of bortezomib, dexamethasone, thalidomide, cisplatin, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide – so the addition of the last 4 to the VDT she was on. It is, as you can imagine by the sheer number of components a very harsh multiple treatment and is basically like throwing the kitchen sink at it – so should have good results from it. Mm is a very individual disease and what works for one does not necessarily work for another and it is a question of finding the treatment that works for you. Hopefully treating it very aggressively will lower her numbers sufficiently to then go straight for an SCT to consolidate it. Take care.



    Thank you Rebecca,

    Your information was very helpful, sometimes the appointments with the consultants are a little confusing with the language they use so it’s nice to be able to read what’s about to happen in black and white! Mum went into hospital today so we shall see how she takes to this treatment. Fingers, toes and whatever else are crossed!

    Many thanks again, Elise x

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