Holiday insurance

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Wink 7 years, 11 months ago.

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    any recommendations for holiday insurance for someone in remission??



    Evening, Myeloma UK produce a leaflet listing many insurance companies that offer travel insurance, I guess you can access through this site.

    regards Tony F




    Hi Jan,
    I got a years policy Which comes free with a nationwide flex plus account. It’s valid for worldwide trips of up to 31 days. I paid a £120 loading because of myeloma – they run through a series of questions over the phone . I m 59 , been in remission for 2 years currently on revlimid maintenance .I haven’t had to make a claim .



    Hi Janmatthams just seen your request on travel insurance, I am in remission with my myeloma and was diagnosed in 2003 but is coping very well, however travel insurance for us is very expensive especially going abroad as the quotes I had for a month to USA was over £2.000 plus nevertheless was very pleased to have one at £523.15 from the date paid for the cover till I return.
    If this is useful for your insurance cover please let me know as all information is available.

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