Home after STC

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bernard 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Husband Peter coming home today 4 weeks after SCT.  Any extra precautions I should take with house? Thanks Val



    Hi Val

    I bought hand gel and made each visitor use it at the door. I also used wipes for light switches and door handles. Wash all fruit and take the skin off where possible but try to lead a normal life as possible.

    Hope Peter is feeling well.

    Maureen x



    I am over 107 post SCT, I continue to use hand gel all the time. Carry it in my handbag and apply after Supermarket etc. Nurses said to take temperature at least twice a day. The dietary info I was given was quite comprehensive, no mayonnaise, runny eggs, reheated food, shellfish etc. A bit like the diet for pregnancy I thought.
    Other advice was no public transport, avoid crowds of people in enclosed spaces and anyone who has been in contact with infection, or has a cold etc has to stay away.  It can be a bit restrictive, but in my case worth it as so far I have not caught anything.

    The nurses even said if anyone has traveled on a plane they should wait 72 hours before coming to see me, just in case.

    I feel well for the first time in a year and was told this week no free light chains so it is worth it.

    Wishing you well





    take the precautions recommended but to be honest get him back to normal as soon as you can. The odd germ won’t do any harm and will help the immune system do what it’s designed to do. Also get him out for fresh air and exercise. Good for the body but also the mind. Hospital for SCT was mind numbing and I was glad to get out and do normal things. I took my daughter to NY during October half term (bucket list made whilst having my SCT) and I left all my meds at home by accident. I caught a bug …..and have never recovered quicker! So get him out and back to normal things and enjoy life.

    Happy Christmas as well. 😀

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