I am over 107 post SCT, I continue to use hand gel all the time. Carry it in my handbag and apply after Supermarket etc. Nurses said to take temperature at least twice a day. The dietary info I was given was quite comprehensive, no mayonnaise, runny eggs, reheated food, shellfish etc. A bit like the diet for pregnancy I thought.
Other advice was no public transport, avoid crowds of people in enclosed spaces and anyone who has been in contact with infection, or has a cold etc has to stay away. It can be a bit restrictive, but in my case worth it as so far I have not caught anything.
The nurses even said if anyone has traveled on a plane they should wait 72 hours before coming to see me, just in case.
I feel well for the first time in a year and was told this week no free light chains so it is worth it.
Wishing you well