Home from SCT

This topic contains 26 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  PeterJames 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    Sorry for the Delay Young Man but well done and stay fit and healthy, roll with the blows its Just not over yet am afraid but you can and will do it

    Old Tom Onwards and Upward sx



    all the very best from us two tom 🙂



    Glad to hear you are home take it easy now x



    Hey Tom,

    Well done…..you had a rough ride and the little incident with cells prior to!!!! But hey you are home now. Take it slow, it's a marathon not a sprint. That's a definite.

    Well done and its right what they say, no place like home !

    Vicki and Colin xxx



    Hi jacqui

    How's Geoff doing?

    Vicki and Colin x



    A big thank you to everyone who's replied.
    I'm back 5 days now, it's a bit up and down but at least the weather is nice 🙂

    @Dai, a man that quotes Woody Guthrie is a man of taste!
    I managed to pick up my guitar yesterday and noodled around in DADGAD tuning.



    Dear Tom,
    Wish you all the best and hope you are able to continue with as many relaxing and engrossing activities as possible.



    Hi Vicki

    Geoff is physcialy well but still struggling mentally, He went back to work last week doing 16 hrs a week for a while and ease back gently.

    We go to hospital Wed 28 August next. The clinical trial saw us and want to discuss if he wants to stay on the trials unsure what he will chose yet. When are you next in clinic?

    We are planning going to the Myeloma info day in Worcester in October as well as went ot he one in Birmingham last year and found it good to meet other people with this wretched disease.



    Hi jacqui,

    Glad Geoff is doing ok….I think the mental side of this is a tougher nut to crack! Colin is still suffering now and has been referred to the psychologist again! We are in clinic again on 14th August? How did you know about the info day in Worcester? I did not know there was one so close?




    Hi Tom

    I'm glad you're home and now begins the slow road to recovery but recover you will, just take it easy and look after yourself.

    Wendy x



    Hi Tom
    Glad to hear you are out & about , more or less in one piece
    Always good to get back in your own home no matter how good the hospital
    I found it good to set myself targets , firstly to get back on solid food & get rid of the mathalan cough , both of which took some time , then to take the family out for a curry , go to a conference & finally take a holiday
    The achieving of targets I think is a good milestone & good for morale, both mine & my carer wife
    I hope you achieve good blood results on all the next tests
    In a few months time you can smile to yourself & say I did that alright
    All the best



    HI Vicki

    the info day information is on the home page of this website we went last year and found it useful.

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