Homeward stretch I hope!

This topic contains 11 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  ange 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    Have been offline for a while, emotional, tired and working. But after my first failed attempt at Stem Cell harvest (they blame Revlimid) I now have some cells in the bag!!

    Along with the GCSF injections x10 I also got Plerixafor x2 (expensive but worth every penny in my eyes)

    After 2 sessions at Oxford I managed 6.6 million stem cells – but the bags looked so small!

    I am now going in for the transplant on 1 July, all looking good so far. Not looking forward to the Hickman line on friday, keep thinking I'll catch it and rip the thing out!

    I know a few of you have/are due transplants and hope they have all been successful and quick.

    It's been a while since I finished my cycles of REV/CYC/DEX and my PP has crept up to 3 so I hope this process does what its meant to!

    Tomorrow I've organised an Orange Bake Off at work for Myeloma UK then I can think about packing and buying bits for my hospital holiday 🙂

    Still smiling
    Sarah Jane



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Good news that you got a good harvest. Don't worry about the Hickman they taped franks Hickman so it wasn't a nuisance. I will cross everything for July 1 and hope you sail through it. Also good luck on your Orange bake of

    Love Jean x



    Hi Sarah Jane,

    6.6 million stem cells is brilliant, well worth using the Plerixafor 🙂

    Good luck for July 1st, remember to chew on ice or suck ice lollies before, during and after the Melphalan and then use the mouthwash they provide you with constantly while you are in hospital and when you get home. My husband Phil did both of these things and managed to avoid any mouth ulcers. Phil also found the thing he used most while in for his SCT was a radio, it kept him company but didn't demand too much brain power when he didn't feel like concentrating.

    I hope the bake off goes well.




    Hi Sarah Jane

    6.6 m is brilliant! Well done you. We too were worried about the Hickman line but got use to it after a while. They do dress each week as well so they keep an eye on it. With very best wishes for 1st July….everything crossed for you 🙂

    Vicki and Colin xx



    Hi Sarah Jane

    Well done you and well done for getting the extra funding, am sure 6 months down the line you will have "near" forgot about it all.
    Am crossing everything for a smooth time for you 😀

    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xx



    Good luck with the transplant, hope all goes well for a smooth journey.
    Regards Tony F



    Good Luck Sarah….you'll be fine! And well done for doing cake sale at work…very impressive mid treatment 🙂



    Hi Sarah

    Just to wish you the best,6.6 million enough for two SCT,will they all go back in,or can you save some????

    Hope you all enjoyed your bake off of orange cakes, Eve



    Good Luck Sarah Jane, I'm expecting my Melphalan on Monday so we'll be going through the process at a similar time.




    Well done you,

    I wish you all the best for July 1st, please keep in touch if you can… good blogs, tracking the process through good and bad are invaluable resources for those who follow and I am am certain that you are more than capable of producing such a blog.8-)

    Here's looking forward to as smooth a ride as possible.:-)




    Hi Sarah Jane,

    Good luck, I hope everything goes well, will be thinking of you. Keep in touch, take care Andrea xx



    All the best Tom, hope all goes well, Andrea

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