Hot Flushes

This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Jet 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi again!
    Is it normal to have hot flushes after an SCT? I'd heard rumours that you could have an early menopause etc but not sure if it is that or just a flush. They last for about 1-2 minutes and I feel like I need to strip!!! Then I'm back to normal again. I don't want the menopause at 36….I know I can't have more kiddies as it wouldn't be fair, but I also don't want that finality (is that even a word?)
    If it's normal, is there anything you can do? Means that the bedsocks for the neuropathy don't stand a chance!!! Can't bear that thought when I'm so hot.
    I have got a 2.5 month post SCT check up tomorrow so can ask there, but always feel like I'm finding problems when I go!!
    Thanks again guys



    Hiya Debs

    I haven't had a SCT, but finished CTD back in August. Around July time, I started experiencing night sweats. I also started noticing hair thinning. I mentioned both issues to my Haematologist at my September clinic and he dismissed the idea of an early menopause, but did say the night sweats were due to hormones. He also said the hair thinning was a result of the chemo. I have to say I wasn't entirely convinced by his response and so mentioned the night sweats to my GP, who immediately said I could be menopausal, brought on by treatment. I had some blood tests, which confirmed this was indeed the case. My GP said the hair thinning may well be a result of a sudden menopause too.

    I've only recently turned 43 and like you, although I don't intend having any more kids (I already have a 5 year old), I was pretty upset by the whole thing and even embarrassed! Nothing was ever mentioned to me that this could happen and I've since found out, that this is quite a common side effect. I can only think that my haematologist doesn't treat many younger patients and to be fair, I am always by far, the youngest patient in the clinic waiting room.

    My GP has put me on HRT because of the risk of osteoporosis and Alzheimer's although I did chuckle at this and say I was reassured by the fact he thinks I'll be around long enough for this to be a concern!!:-D

    I've been on HRT for 2 weeks now and the night sweats are just starting to ease off.

    The good news for you if you are having an early menopause is that because you are under 40, there is a good chance it is only temporary. The bad news for me is that because I'm over 40, there is a higher probability that it is permanent.

    As if we didn't have enough to contend with!

    Tracey xx



    Hi Debs,

    I am reading this thread with a towel wrapped around my neck because I have been sweating so much. Once I have cooled down I will change my shirt. I am no longer on treatment and my meds are my normal quadruple of MST, Gabapentin, B6 and Bonefos (Plus a chewable Calcium tablet and a Lansaprole anti-acid tablet in the mornings only).

    What did I do to get so hot and bothered? Well Janet is over at our daughters house for the day, so I washed up. Fair enough there was quite a bit after I trawled the rooms for debris and I washed down and bleached the sink and tidied up the work-tops and put away some fresh fruit and some veg… but it was only a bit of moving around and gentle exercise, nothing strenuous whatsoever… but the result is the same every single time I expend a bit of effort… hot flushes (the only way to describe it) followed by profuse sweating. I must stress that I almost never sweat while working/doing chores… that starts as soon as I stop. Some days I change my shirt/'t'-shirt 3 or 4 times a day and a complete change 2 or 3 times a week.

    I am hoping that this cycle of exercise followed by the sweats starts to ease off as the last of the Velcade finally evaporates from my system (two full weeks now)… I can't believe that my normal meds are causing the problem.

    Any other males with the same or similar problems after treatment or because of medication regimes?




    Hi Debs
    Yes I'm getting hot flushes, before diagnosis they were just at night and I thought it was menopause, so did my GP. Now I get them all the time and the haematologist thinks that as my blood has returned to normal I'm resuming the menopause again. I've been experiencing them for the last 5 years and never thought of hrt as there was such a high risk for breast cancer in our family!!
    PS how is the hair situation, my eyelashes are falling out now and there is no sign of any on my head!:-(



    Hi Everyone
    I can understand how you ladies feel about the menopause,I had it forced on me,they had to remove my ovaries although I was older,Did not like the idea but as I had trouble with one said the other one could get a growth on it,once i got the all clear never looked back,Lot of the tiredness went away so its not all bad,gave me a new lease of life.
    As for Dai well unless your changing sex,it,s defo the chemo Slim is the same, was worse on CTD but Velcade is the same feeling hot and cold more than the climate is.
    Its the hair Falling out on Slim ,blocks the plug hole up,and it,s like straw,thinning all over,not falling out in clumps:-)
    I do believe Men go through a menopause too so you never know Dai. Eve



    Don't want to be the bearer of bad news Debs but following my SCT I did indeed have an early menopause which started with hot flushes as you describe. There were all sorts of things that you could get to help with these. I was a similar age and like you had no intention of adding to the brood but it was still something else to cope with. I had hormones tests to confirm that I was infertile and these were to be repeated after a year but I now don't really see the point as I've come to terms with it. If you need to talk give me a shout. Pamela



    Hi Debs and everyone,

    Yes I too went into early menopause after my SCT. My periods stopped immediately and hot sweats started…yuk! Hate them! My gp gave me some meds which have helped immensely, sorry I can't remember the name, it's french!
    I have also come to terms with it, definitely not wanting anymore children with mine being 20 and 18 (have been sterilised for 16 yrs) but I felt too young and something else to contend with.

    I spoke to my Prof about 3 months post SCT and he said to wait for a year to 18 months because it could be temporary, but if I was still the same after this then chances would be it's permanent.

    As Tracey said you have more of a chance of it just being temporary due to being a 'spring chicken' hehe!

    Take care

    love n hugs Lorraine xxx



    At 68 I am long past Menopause male or otherwise and anyway I had the snip in 1972!

    I had my SCT in Dec 09 and for a small period, say a month (?) after this I did get night sweats but they have long since past. The only time I sweat now is after one of my morning walks when I come back drenched:-D >:-) . Then I get into my lovely shower and it is pure heaven.

    Kindest regards ? vasbyte




    Wow. You are all lucky as far as I'm concerned. I'm constantly cold, but I guess that is because my kidneys are only working at about 18% so I assume you all have better kidney functions. I wouldn't mind working up a sweat from time to time. I guess the only way for me to do that now is to head for a steam room!

    You have my sympathies Debs as you seem to get extremes eg your peripheral neuropathy. Good luck.




    Hi guys.
    Just a quick update. My specialist nurse sent off hormone tests for me last week. 1 came back suggesting that I was definitely going through the menopause and 1 came back suggesting either I was, or I am mid-cycle. Great. No real answer! And I won't know about the mid-cycle thing as I'm on the coil so don't get periods anyway.
    Anyway, I've asked to be referred to a gynaecologist as my hubby used to sell HRT drugs and doesn't want me on them, but knows there are implications too.
    Scott, don't feel too bad for me….I think the flushes are minor in comparison to some people, and to be honest, I think the neuropathy isn't half as bad as it could be, so I'm trying to think myself lucky!!

    Helen, the hair is doing well now 🙂 It is finally starting to grow and I have quite a lot of fluffy hair on top now! The sides are still short but my eyelashes and eyebrows are possibly getting better too! So there's hope – I'm about 90 days post transplant now.

    Tracey – it's good to hear that doctors are worried about old age risks for us 🙂 Maybe we'll get to live to see our 5 year olds get married after all 🙂 Wishful thinking and positivity all round!!

    Thanks for all your comments – Dai, hope finishing the velcade stops your sweats!!

    Debs x



    Hi Debs
    Like the new photo, very cool, and glad to hear hair is starting to grow, still don't know how to load pics on here and the family tech is proving difficult to pin down….
    I'm losing eyelashes now but have still got eyebrows and no hair on head but wait in hope! How did table top sale go?



    Lovely photo Debs! You've got a bit of a Kate Middleton look about you!

    Tracey xx



    Hi Helen

    Tabletop sale is on the 6th November but we've made £150 already on a gym membership that was donated….am hoping to get over £500 in total. Then on to organising the ball I want to do next year!!

    Tracey, that is very kind of you but VERY misguided. I could only wish to look like Kate. Sadly neither my face, nor my body looks like hers!! lol!! Maybe if I have another transplant the extra 3 stone will drop off!!

    Debs xx




    You say Nick used to sell HRT. Could you share his reasons for not wanting you to take them?

    I saw my GP about the possibility of taking HRT, mostly due to feeling tearful and depressed. She thinks it might be helpful and has prescribed them, but I'm reluctant to take them. I'll have plenty enough pharmaceuticals in my body when I'm back on Revlimid in a month or so.

    I am coping ok with the hot flushes – it's quite an interesting phenomenon, even if they do wake me up at night. I'm quite happy to no longer be bleeding. I'm on Zometa to strengthen my bones, so not too worried about osteoporosis. I don't mind the tears too much – better out than in, eh? And I/we have been through quite an ordeal, facing mortality so early, so I think it's ok to feel some sadness. As for the low mood/depression, I'm hoping I can counter that by getting myself out, volunteering, walking/cycling and interacting with people.

    So really not sure about taking hormones…



    Hey Debs

    Grab the compliments Any and all. Kate Middleton? Why not?

    Good luck with your fund raising. You are putting me to shame for not doing more (I don't think buying Christmas cards counts)

    When I think that our grand-kids have made more effort to raise funds for "that mm thing that Pop's got" than Stephen and I have I feel quite humble

    Much love to Miss Pretty Debs (Hairy or not) from Gill xxx

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