Hi Min, Gill, Jo and Dai
Thank you all for your thoughts. You've not seen me on here because I've been out and about, having fun and I have to say, I often find this forum a bit depressing, so tend to avoid it. That may change when I'm feeling less lively, I guess.
I only noticed this thread because Gill sent me a private message. Sorry if you thought I was ignoring you. I'm touched that you're all thinking of me.
I had a very successful stem cell harvest – they managed to get 5 million of the wee b*ggers out of me, over two days. And I got a lovely rich blood transfusion to boost me up, for my troubles. It wasn't at all painful or difficult. My friend got very proficient with the GCSF injections the week before. The insertion of the Hickman line was the least pleasant aspect and it has been a bit uncomfortable at times, but it's all fine at the moment.
I went away the weekend after the harvest for a family party, which was lovely and now have a few weeks off before I go into hospital for the dreaded high dose chemo and transplant. Then you can really think of me and send good vibes – I think I may need them.
I've had a lot of hair loss from the chemo for boosting stem cell production, so after the weekend, we shaved it all off and I'm going boldly bald, except when it's cold and I have to wear a hat/scarf. Fortunately, it looks good on me and I love the look and feel of it, so all's well for now. 🙂
If you want to know more about what's going on for me, you're welcome to read and subscribe to my blog: jetblackliving.wordpress.com. It's almost up to date. But it's fine if you don't wish to.
Haha to Dai – "quite often" – LOL! I think we've seen each other at the hospital once! And once at the Info Day. Hope it's all going well for you. I was in there yesterday actually for a quick line flush and chat with Dr Jenny Byrne. She told me that my biopsy results show only 1% myeloma in my bone marrow, so I'm officially in remission!!!! Hurray!
Best wishes to all of you and here's hoping your experiences are as untroubling as mine is so far.
Jet x