How did you come to terms with the diagnosis

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Mari 13 years, 11 months ago.

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    Some of you will know from a post on the 'newcomers' board, but I am wondering how you coped with the news that a loved one has been diagnosed with this incurable disease.

    My mum (aged 72) was diagnosed last Nov, and from other stories very early on as she so far has needed no treatment. Yes I know that's really good, but think making it hard for me to accept. She lives on her own about 12 miles from me, and 180 miles from my sister… so also feel like the bulk of the care when needed, will automatically fall to me as I am the nearest.

    I think over the last few months I have ignored the fact that she has MM, and it now seems to be hitting me very hard. I am not sure where to go from here, my husband is being really supportive, now that I have admitted to him all my worries ( the last couple months not been great realtionship as I shut him out, my natural defences kicked in!), but obviously dealing with this is definately not a noraml occurance for many.

    Does anyone know if counselling is available for family members and how I can arrange it?

    Thanks in advance for any advice and recommendations



    Hello amanda

    I know it must be hard for you if you love your mum, have you tried the
    Local hospice or Mcmillan I am sure they would help with some concelling

    Good Luck JO



    I would suggest also ringing the Myeloma UK line to ask them about what help is available.



    Hi Amanda

    I agree with Liz and Jo try Macmillian Service you can find them through your GP and or the local hospice. Myeloma uk are also brilliant, good luck your mum is lucky to have a caring family.

    Best wishes Sarah



    Thanks everyone eventually plucked up the courage and called Mum's specialist nurse, who did referral for counselling…… 1st appointment on 5th April 🙂



    Hi Amanda

    I'm glad you got it sorted. I hope it is as helpful to you as it was for me.

    Best wishes
    Jean x



    I am so glad to hear this, Amanda!



    Dear Amanda,

    I am glad you have got your counselling sorted out. My husband Steve was 53 when he was diagnosed. We both had counselling from specialist oncology counsellors and they were brilliant. We no longer see them but still have a line open to them if we need it again. I hope you have as good an experience as we did.

    I hope your mum is doing well,

    Love Mari x

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